DIY Inspiration

Ice-Cream Clay Craft

Material Required:

Cardboard Piece Scissors Glue Different Colors Modelling Clay Brown crayon Yellow Marker Spherical tip object Sky blue A4 sheet

Step  1

Take a cardboard and cutting it into a cone shape using scissors. Stick that cone using glue on a sky-blue A4 sheet.

Making a Fun Craft with Cardboard and Glue!

Step  2

Now, draw diagonal lines on that cone using a brown crayon.

Creating a Cone with a Brown Crayon

Step  3

Stick that clay just above the cone like in the image above.

Forming a Clay Cone

Step  4

Now, use your index finger to make impressions on the pink layer.

Creating Impressions with Your Index Finger on the Pink Layer

Step  5

In this step, roll another orange color clay and put it above the pink one.

Creating a Layered Orange and Pink Clay Design

Step  6

Now, take white and yellow rolls and twist them together. Stick that clay over the orange part.

Twisting Together White and Yellow Rolls

Step  7

Now, take some red clay and make a ball out of it for the cherry on the ice cream.

Making a Cherry on Top with Red Clay

Step  8

Take an object with a spherical top to make an impression on those cherries.

Making an Impression with a Spherical Top on Cherries

Step  9

Take some green clay and make 2 leaves from it and make some veins on it using a thin stick.

Creating Leaves with Green Clay

Step  10

Take a yellow marker and draw some spirals in the background.

Drawing Spirals with a Yellow Marker

Step  11

Add some dots of clay using yellow, white, and orange clay for the beautification of the art.

Adding Colorful Clay Dots to Enhance Art

Step  12

Your pretty ice cream craft is ready!! You can show it to others with pride and even use it for decorating your house.

Create a Beautiful Ice Cream Craft with Pride!

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