DIY Inspiration

Amazing Paper Flower Craft

Material Required:

Colored Craft Papers Scissors Glue Marker Pen Black Chart Paper

Step  1

Take a purple craft paper and making creases on it by folding it both horizontally and vertically.

Creating Crafty Creations with Purple Paper

Step  2

Draw a half-flower shape using a marker on the folded paper.

Creating a Half-Flower Shape with Markers 

Step  3

Open the folder paper, you will get two flowers. Make one such flower cutout using a similar procedure.

Creating a Flower Cutout Using Folding and Glue

Step  4

After sticking all three cutouts together, your craft will look something like this.

Creating a Craft with Cutouts

Step  5

In this step, you need to make 3 more flowers through the same technique used previously.

Making Flowers with Bright Colors

Step  6

Next, take a piece of green craft paper and cut 4 narrow stripes out of it for the stem of the flowers.

Making a Flower Stem with Green Craft Paper

Step  7

Cut out a triangular shape for green craft paper for the leaves part. Make horizontal creases on that triangle by folding it in a zig-zag manner.

Creating Leaves with Green Paper and Glue

Step  8

In this step, you just need to fold that paper in a V-shape. Refer to the image for a clearer idea.

Folding Paper in a V-Shape

Step  9

Give a proper shape of the leaves to both of the cutouts using scissors and stick them in the bottom of the stems

Shaping and Gluing Leaves to Stems

Step  10

Your craft is ready just like that and you can show it to others with pride. It is unique as it has a 3-D look which attracts eyes.

Charming 3-D Flower Papercraft is Ready!

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