DIY Inspiration

Paper Turtle Craft

Material Required:

Green, Black & White Craft paper Scissors Glue Black Pen

Step  1

Let’s start this fun turtle craft by taking a green craft paper. Cut a circle out of it using scissors.

Creating a Fun Turtle Craft

Step  2

Cut a smaller green circle for the head and stick it in front of the turtle with some part of the circle stuck under the body.

Creating a Turtle with a Green Circle Head

Step  3

Cut another circle from green craft paper and fold it in half for the leg of the turtle. Make 3 more such legs and stick them at the proper place.

Making Turtle Legs 

Step  4

After sticking the legs, your craft will look something like this.

Creating a Craft with Sticky Legs

Step  5

Now, cut 9-10 small circles from black craft paper and stick them on the body of the turtle.

Creating a Turtle Shell with Craft Paper

Step  6

After sticking all the semi-circles, your craft will look something like this.

Creating a Craft with Semi-Circles

Step  7

Now comes the tail part, cut out a heart shape from green craft paper, and fold it in half to make a vertical crease in between the heart.

Creating a Heart-Shaped Craft Paper

Step  8

Stick that heart at the bottom of the turtle as shown above.

Securing the Heart at the Bottom of the Turtle

Step  9

Cut two small white circles and stick them on the head for the eyes of the turtle.

Creating a Turtle with White Eyes

Step  10

And your craft is ready!! This was such an easy tutorial that any kid can find it useful to make such cool turtle crafts.

Cool Turtle Crafts – An Easy Tutorial for Kids!

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