DIY Inspiration

Recycled Turtle Craft

Material Required:

Scissors Leaves (green, brown, and red) A4 Size Sheets Marker Pens (Black, blue & red) Glue Forcep Red Craft paper

Step  1

Take a medium-sized green leaf & draw a P-shape with a marker pen for the neck of the turtle.

Creating a Turtle & Sun Craft with Leaves

Step  2

Now, take a dried brown leaf for the ground part and tear it in half. Then stick that leaf at the bottom of the A4 sheet.

Creating a Decorative Leaf Art with an A4 Sheet

Step  3

Take the neck part of the leaf and stick it using glue, just above the ground with a little gap.

Attaching a Leaf to the Ground

Step  4

Now comes the tail part, cut out a small leaf piece for the turtle’s tail, and stick it behind the shell.

Creating a Turtle Tail Part

Step  5

In this step, you need to cut small rectangular pieces from the leaf for the legs of the turtle.

Making Turtle Legs with Leaves

Step  6

Cut a small oval-shaped piece from a white A4 sheet. Next, place that eye at the right place on the leaf.

Creating an Eye on a Leaf with Glue and Paper 

Step  7

Draw a small curve for the mouth of the turtle and draw the irregular shapes on the shell of the turtle.

Creating a Turtle Scene with a Sun

Step  8

Now take a light green leaf and cut them in such shapes that they look like grass. Stick those pieces on the ground.

Creating a Grassland for a Turtle

Step  9

Take a blue marker pen and draw some clouds in the sky.

Creating a Sky Scene with a Blue Marker Pen

Step  10

Your craft is ready just like that. This art is quite simple yet creative and can make your kid happier.

Finally, Making Crafts with Kids

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