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Easy Christmas Paper Plate Craft for Kids

Easy Christmas Paper Plate Craft for Kids


Easy Christmas Paper Plate Craft for Kids

Christmas is a festival of decoration, celebration, eating, and enjoying. Kids love to decorate their houses and Christmas tree beautifully. Today, we bring you some of the easiest and most beautiful Christmas craft ideas to make your Christmas more special.

Easy Christmas Paper Plate Craft for Kids

Easy Christmas Paper Plate Craft for Kids

Cute smiley face

  • Level: Easy
  • Materials required: Paper plate, cotton, color papers, black and red wool, googly eyes, cardboard
  • Procedure: On the paper plate, paste googly eyes. Make a ball from red wool and put it as a nose. Make a smiley from black wool. Make a cone cap from green paper and a parallelogram from the same color. Cut two ears from the skin color sheet. Paste the face and ears on the cardboard. Adjust the cap on the top and paste it. Make cotton balls and paste them on the cap. Paste the parallelogram on the bottom part and put two red wool balls on it. With red paper, cut a zig-zag pattern and paste it on the forehead of the face. Your cute smiley is ready!

Make a simple Christmas decoration using paper plates with the kids. Easy Christmas Paper Plate Craft for Kids

Santa’s reindeer

Santa will come with his reindeer to distribute gifts. Those reindeer look beautiful, right! Today, we’ll make a reindeer of our own

  • Level: Easy
  • Materials required: Paper plates, brown paint, brush, color sheets
  • Procedure: Paint the paper plate with brown and let it dry. With black and white paper, make the eyes. Make the mouth with black and yellow sheets. Cut two pink circles to make cheeks. Make its ears with brown paper and paste it. Make its horns and paste it. Your beautiful reindeer is ready!

Simple Christmas paper plate craft for youngsters.

DIY Christmas tree

Christmas is incomplete without the Christmas tree. Let’s make this beautiful Christmas tree and decorate it.

  • Level: Easy
  • Materials required: Pastel sheets, cardboard, glue, scissors, glitter sheets, designer sheets, black paint
  • Procedure:  Paint the cardboard black and let it dry. Cut the Christmas tree with brown and green sheets and paste it on the cardboard. Make a star and paste it on the top of the tree. Make small circles from glitter sheets and different designer sheets and decorate them on the Christmas tree.


DIY beautiful candle

Make this beautiful candle to decorate your house and Christmas tree in a few easy steps.

  • Level: Easy
  • Materials required: Painting colors, brush, red ribbon, cardboard, A3 size sheet
  • Procedure: Cut a big circle as shown in the picture. Paint it green and let it dry. Make a candle and paint it beautifully. Roll the ribbon on the circle as shown. Paste it on the A3 size sheet. In the middle of the circle, paste the candle and you’re done.

 Enjoy making Christmas decorations with paper plates with the little ones.

Hanging Reindeer

Make this hanging reindeer and hang it on your doors and windows to invite Santa to your place.

  • Level: Easy
  • Materials required: Paper plate, brown paint, color sheets, bells, thread, designer ribbon, black marker
  • Procedure: Paint the plate with brown and let it dry. Till then, make the eyes, nose, ears, and horns of your reindeer with color sheets. Paste all it on the plate. On the lower part of the plate, make three holes. Tie the bells on one end of the thread and the other in the holes and secure with a knot. Tie a ribbon on the upper part of the plate. Your hanging reindeer is ready. Now hang it wherever you want.

DIY paper snowman

Lovemaking snowmen? Today we’ll make cute paper snowmen.

  • Level: Easy
  • Materials required: Paper plates, sketch pens, white papers, scissors, glue, colorful buttons
  • Procedure: We’ll make two snowmen, a male and a female. Glue two plates together to make the body. On white paper, draw the eyes, face, and mouth with different colors as shown. Make a tie for the male and a scarf for the female snowwomen. Make a pink hairband for the snowwomen. Now paste everything on their respective bodies. For the nose, make two carrots and paste them. Paste the buttons. Make sure everything is in place and it’s done. Put them wherever you want.

. An easy Christmas craft for the kids with paper plates.

Fabric reindeer

Make this another beautiful reindeer with fabric and wool. It is very easy to make and looks stunning.

  • Level: Easy
  • Materials required: Brown paper plate, black paint, colorful wools, designer fabrics, black marker, bell, small tree branches, thread
  • Procedure: Take the plate and draw eyes and mouth with a black marker. Make the nose with red wool. Cut the fabrics to make the ears and neck and paste them. Paint the branches with black paint and let them dry. Make small woolen balls and paste them on the branches. On the bottom part, tie the bell with a thread and you’re done!

DIY Santa Claus

Make this DIY beautiful Santa Claus in a few easy steps because Christmas is incomplete without Santa Claus.

  • Level: Easy
  • Materials required: Paper plates, color sheets, straws, black marker
  • Procedure: Put the plates on a table. One plate should be a little bit smaller than the other. Put the smaller plate on the above side and the other below it. Make the hands, cap, and scarf of Santa with red paper. Make the eyes and mouth with black and white paper. Make the nose with an orange sheet in a carrot shape. Paste everything in its place. Paste the hands-on one end of the straw. Make two holes on the bigger plate on both sides and put the hands inside the hole. Your Santa Claus is ready!

Get creative and make Christmas art with paper plates and the kids.

Christmas decoration balls

Make these decoration balls to decorate your Christmas tree to make it look more beautiful.

  • Level: Level
  • Materials required: 2 white circle sheets, colorful sheets, silver glitter sheet, silver ribbon
  • Procedure: Cut two medium rectangles with a glitter sheet. Paste it on the top of the circle. Cut many small circles from different color sheets as shown and paste it all over the circles. Cut two ribbons equally and paste them on the top of the circle. Your decoration ball is ready!
Christmas decoration balls

. Get creative and make Christmas art with paper plates and the kids.

Woolen faces

Make these woolen faces of Santa, reindeer, and others.

  • Level: Easy
  • Materials required: Colorful wools, paper plates, black marker, painting colors, fabric
  • Procedure: For reindeer, you can use the above-made fabric reindeer. For Santa, draw eyes with a black marker and paste nose made of red wool. Make his cap by paper cutting and paint it red. Let it dry. Paste a wool circle at the end of the cap. Make Santa’s beard with white wool and paste. For another man, draw eyes, mouth, and nose with markers. Make his hair with wool and paste. Cut his hat from any fabric and paste. 


So these are some of the easy and amazing Christmas craft ideas which anyone can make without much effort. All of these DIYs are simple yet amazing and will help in enhancing your creative skills. 

Don’t forget to drop your valuable comments so that we keep on providing you with easy DIY ideas. Also, you can visit our website to get more such DIY easy craft ideas.

FAQ’s on

1. What type of paper plates should I use for this project?

Answer: You can use any type of paper plate that is easily cutable and can hold up to the weight of the decorations. Avoid using plates that are too flimsy.

2. What kinds of decorations can I use?

Answer: You can use any type of craft decorations such as glitter, sequins, buttons, beads, feathers, etc. You can also use paint or markers to color the paper plates.

3. Do I need to use any special tools?

Answer: You will need scissors or a craft knife to cut the paper plate. You may also want to use a hole punch and a glue gun.

4. How do I make the paper plate into a Christmas ornament?

Answer: First, cut out a star shape from the paper plate. Then, use a hole punch to make a hole at the top of the star. Finally, use a string or ribbon to hang the ornament.

5. Is this craft suitable for young children?

Answer: Yes, this craft is suitable for young children if they are supervised by an adult.

6. How long will it take to complete the craft?

Answer: Depending on the complexity of the decoration you choose, it should take about an hour to complete the craft.

7. What type of paint can I use?

Answer: You can use either acrylic or water-based paint. Avoid using oil-based paint as it may cause the paper plate to become brittle and break.

8. Can I use other shapes instead of a star?

Answer: Yes, you can use any shape you like. You can even draw your own shape or use a cookie cutter to make a different shape.

9. Do I need to use any special glue?

Answer: You can use any type of craft glue, such as hot glue or white glue.

10. What other materials can I use for decorations?

Answer: You can use any type of craft materials such as felt, fabric, yarn, ribbon, etc. You can also use small pieces of wood or plastic if you wish.

Read More:

  1. 25 Paper Plate Christmas Crafts for Kids
  2. Christmas Tree Crafts for Kids – Papers, Popsicles, Paintings & Pasta!
  3. Paper Plate Learning Activities & Projects
  4. Easy Christmas Paper Plate Crafts for Kids
  5. Clothespin Reindeer Crafts To Make At Home

Kids Art & Craft
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