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DIY Handprint Carrots In a Basket Painting Tutorial

DIY Hand Impression Carrot In a Basket Painting Idea For Kids


DIY Handprint Carrots In a Basket Painting Tutorial

This article shows you a fun and easy DIY painting idea for kids – creating a handprint carrot in a basket! Learn how to make this cute and creative craft with our step-by-step instructions. Kids will love making this unique and colorful painting!

What’s on the menu today? Healthy, healthy carrots! They are crunchy and full of nutrients! Teach your kiddos the benefits of carrots through this artwork and see them eating up their veggies on the plate! This tutorial makes carrot making even easier and more realistic, using your hand as a paintbrush! Gather all of them into a basket and tada! Your artwork will be ready in no time! Kids will definitely enjoy the process and you can also give them a fun learning quality afternoon time which they definitely will love!

Easy Hand Impression Carrot In a Basket

Read More: Simple Animal Drawings Video Tutorial for Beginners

Materials Required

  • White Circular Sheet
  • Colorful Paints
  • Flat And Rounded Brushes
  • Black Marker


Step 1: Making Hand Impression Carrot

Making Hand Impression Carrot - Create a handprint-shaped carrot in a basket craft with your children.

For starting this craft, first, take a circular white paper sheet. Now, paint the side of the palm using orange paint with some yellow paint. Impress the side of the palm over the sheet to form an upside-down carrot.

Step 2: Making More Carrots

Making More Carrots - Let your kids paint a basket with a handprint-shaped carrot inside.

Make 4-5 closely impressed upside-down carrots over the sheet.

Step 3: Rotating The Sheet

Rotating The Sheet - An amusing activity for the kids: painting a handprint-carrot in a basket.

Rotate your sheet in 180 degrees to make the carrots look straight.

Step 4: Making Carrot Stems

Making Carrot Stems - An entertaining painting project for the kids: a handprint shaped carrot in a basket.

Make green paint carrot stems using a flat paintbrush over each carrot.

Step 5: Detailing The Carrots

Detailing The Carrots - A fun DIY project for your kids: painting a handprint carrot in a basket.

Using the small rounded paintbrush and red paint, draw small random dashed lines over the carrot to make the carrot look even more realistic.

Step 6: Completing Detailing All The Carrots

Completing Detailing All The Carrots - Get your children to make a handprint-shaped carrot in a basket painting.

Detail all the carrots as shown.

Step 7: Making A Basket

Making A Basket - An enjoyable art project for the kids: paint a hand impression carrot in a basket.

Draw a basket around the carrot using a black marker, make sure to not draw over the carrots to give the basket a 3D look as shown in the image.

Step 8: Detailing The Basket

Detailing The Basket - Let the kids make a handprint-shaped carrot in a basket painting.

Using the black marker outlines, make the basket from brown paint using the flat paintbrush and detail it by making lines to fill the basket.

Step 9: Completing Detailing The Basket

Completing Detailing The Basket - Crafting a handprint carrot in a basket painting with the kids.

Complete your whole basket and its detailing as shown using brown paint.

Step 10: Giving The Carrots A 3D Look

Giving The Carrots A 3D Look - Let the kids make a handprint carrot in a basket painting idea.

Using white paint and a small rounded paintbrush draw lines over the top right corner of the carrots to make them look shiny and 3D.

Your Carrot Basket Is Completed!

Your Carrot Basket Is Completed! - Create a Handprint Carrot In a Basket Art Project With Your Kids

Woohoo! Your carrot basket is ready in no time!

Show off your creation to your friends and family and eat up these yummy and healthy veggies! These carrots look absolutely realistically fresh and tasty! The 3D effect will catch everybody’s eyes and will be appreciating your painting skills!

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