Coloring Pages
Strawberry Coloring Pages For Kids – Free Printables
This is a Strawberry Coloring Pages for Kids – Free Printable. Kids love strawberries and they have a lot of fun coloring these printable which are absolutely free.
Coloring is a very fun, skill and teaches one to be disciplined and at the same time to be more creative and think out of the box. Coloring brings in life the imagination and the vision one has of things and surroundings. And it is easy to get kids to do something creative when it is related to something they already like. Kids love strawberries and hence, it will be a piece of cake and no persuasion required to bring them to color these printable. They would rather be excited and thrilled. These printable are completely free so you do not even have to think or scorch for them. You can just get the printout and get the kids started instantly. These are suitable for toddlers and other age groups.
Strawberry coloring pages can be a creative way to teach kids about Fruits. You can download and print these Strawberry coloring pages for free.
We are here with a huge collection of fruits coloring pages to download & color. You will find blackberry, cherry, raspberry & all sorts of fruits your kid loves to color.
Click and print this free strawberry coloring page. Kids of all ages, including kindergarteners, preschoolers, and toddlers will absolutely love the coloring pages! Teachers and Parents can also have fun with kids by coloring them.
Strawberry Coloring Pages For Kids – Free Printables
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Strawberry Coloring Pages For Kids – Free Printables-1
This is the Strawberry Coloring Pages for Kids – Free Printables-1. This is the drawing of a strawberry. Kids of ages around two and more can easily color this. It is very simple, basic and beginner – friendly. There are no details present so kids can color this without any difficulty or confusion. And the pores of the strawberry are projected in such a way that it appears as if the strawberry feels just as one might feel running a mile under the scorching heat of the sun in summer. In short, the pores seem as if the strawberry is sweating. Just like this, kids can come up with their own interpretations. This will push them to be more imaginative and think out of the box.
Strawberry Coloring Pages For Kids – Free Printables-2
This is a Strawberry Coloring Pages for Kids – Free Printables-2. This image of the strawberry is simple to color. Kids can shade it with crimson and red and then color the pores. The pores are quite small, which will give the kids the practice to color in very precise and small surface areas. Kids can also give their own outputs about what they perceive as they look at this image, apart from it being a strawberry. Like, one of the images could be that, that the strokes on the side of the strawberry represent that it feels a bit low, or it may be wrinkled or beginning to dry. This way kids will be compelled to think out of the box.
Strawberry Coloring Pages For Kids – Free Printables-3
This is a Strawberry Coloring Pages for Kids – Free Printables-3. The strawberry figure is pretty easy to color. The outline is thick enough for the kids to remember to color within the lines. The surface area of the pores of the strawberry on the printable is also not too small which makes it beginner – friendly. This is a completely fitting coloring printable for kids. They can definitely get started with this one. This will give them the experience to color which will help them in their further coloring prospects.
Strawberry Coloring Pages For Kids – Free Printables-4
This is the Strawberry Coloring Pages for Kids – Free Printables-4. It is an apt figure for kids to color, especially toddlers. The border of the strawberry is quite thick making it beginner – friendly. The pores are also a bit magnified and there are no details but only outlines. So, kids will have no difficulty in coloring it. Hence, it is very good for them to get started with this. With this they will learn the basic coloring techniques and the basic rule of staying within the outline. This also teaches kids organization and discipline.
Strawberry Coloring Pages For Kids – Free Printables-5
This is the Strawberry Coloring Pages for Kids – Free Printables-5. This figure of the strawberry in the printable is extremely simple and excellent for toddlers or anyone to make this their one of the first figure to color. All, the kids need to color, is the crimson or red in the strawberry and the green in the leaves. Simple, right! It would not even take too much time and will also give the kids to do something creative and productive; hence, killing two birds with a stone and as the cherries on top, it will also be fun so they will enjoy is too.
Strawberry Coloring Pages For Kids – Free Printables-6
Read More: Fruits Drawing for Kids
This is the Strawberry Coloring Pages for Kids – Free Printables. In this free drawing printable, there is a drawing of two strawberries, and it appears, one slightly bigger than the other. But if you carefully observe the image, they are literally identical, just in different angles. It also seems as if the other one is just a mere reflection of it. It creates a kind of illusion as from the first view, they do not look identical. It is quite interesting to think about it. This will give the kids a different point of view and a different perspective of viewing things in their surroundings.
Strawberry Coloring Pages For Kids – Free Printables-7
This is the Strawberry Coloring Pages for Kids – Free Printables-7. If you carefully observe this strawberry figure, seems as if made out of ink or as if a lose drawing of a strawberry. It gives the figure a fun and interesting element. This makes it more creative and imaginative. It is very good for kids and will push them to think and imagine more on the subject. The strawberry does not hold its conventional and original structure.
Strawberry Coloring Pages For Kids – Free Printables-8
This is the Strawberry Coloring Pages for Kids – Free Printables-8. If you carefully observe the drawing of the strawberry in the above printable, the pores look a lot like little ringing bells. Amusing, right! This will help the kids to learn textures and how they can see so many infinite things in the same thing. This will give them a more creative vision. Coloring this is quite easy. It is ideas like this one, enhance the creativity and imagination of kids.
Strawberry Coloring Pages For Kids – Free Printables-9
This is the Strawberry Coloring Pages for Kids – Free Printables-9. In this free coloring printable, the strawberry as you can spot is as if someone took a bite of it. It will give kids a change from coloring a complete strawberry. It is quite an easy and simple figure to color. Kids and color the inside, fleshy part a combination of crimson, pink and white. This will give them an understanding of shades present in a strawberry and the color varies on the outside from its inside.
Strawberry Coloring Pages For Kids – Free Printables-10
This is a Strawberry Coloring Pages for Kids – Free Printables-10. The border of this strawberry figure in the printable is quite thin and it is completely absent of any details. The pores are in a convex shape and in a line. Analyzing the image before coloring it helps the kids to be more observant and more perceiving of the details their surrounding has to offer. It develops an eye for detail in kids which will push them to be more creative and imaginative.
Strawberry Coloring Pages For Kids – Free Printables-11
This is the Strawberry Coloring Pages for Kids – Free Printables-11. This is a more illustrated version of a strawberry. Since it looks more cartoonish, in kids’ language, they will have fun time coloring it. Because no doubt, these strawberries do seem as if straight out of a cartoon character’s fruit basket. Also, this way kids will observe the differences, how these strawberries distinguish from the real ones. They will learn to understand how imagination does not have to be and in generally different from reality, making it more artistic.
Strawberry Coloring Pages For Kids – Free Printables-12
Read More: Simple Drawing & Coloring Ideas for Kids
This is the Strawberry Coloring Pages for Kids – Free Printables-12. The outline here, of the figure in the printable is grey, unlike the general black. The pores if you observe seem as if identical and symmetrical droplets drawn upside down. Quite interesting, right! It is always fun to point of things that are purely visual and imaginary. It increases ones’ creativity and alters the way a person sees things. Hence, apart from coloring this activity will give kids a different perspective.
Strawberry Coloring Pages For Kids – Free Printables-13
This is the Strawberry Coloring Pages for Kids – Free Printables-13. It is a very simple and easy image to color. Kids can easily color it without any difficulty. One thing, does this strawberry outline, without the leaf, look like a heart shape? This way, kids can break down objects and things around them into shapes. This will help them as they start to draw. It will also make learning to draw easier as they simply have to draw shapes and alters them a bit. It will prove quite useful for them in future.
Strawberry Coloring Pages For Kids – Free Printables-14
This is the Strawberry Coloring Pages for Kids – Free Printables-14. it is a very suitable coloring printable for toddlers to color or well, foor anyone who wishes to learn the art of coloring literally from scratch. It is very simple and contains no details. This way kids just have to color the crimson in the strawberry and the green in the leaves. They can observe that the strawberry is tilted in somewhere around 45 degrees angle. Hence the lower surface has a slightly thicker border to project the shadowy part.
Strawberry Coloring Pages For Kids – Free Printables-15
This is the Strawberry Coloring Pages for Kids – Free Printables-15. Toddlers can color this strawberry in this coloring printable very effortlessly. It is also not too time – consuming activity as sometimes too time demanding things start to feel like tedious and boring. This is also very minimalistic and interesting to color at the same time. Kids love strawberry and they will surely and without any doubt enjoy coloring this. In addition to that, they just need two colors to practice their coloring skills by coloring it.
Strawberry Coloring Pages For Kids – Free Printables-16
This is the Strawberry Coloring Pages for Kids – Free Printables-16. You can clearly see, this strawberry in the printable is coated and laced with something. It actually looks like a blanket or a shell, if you observe. This is quite an interesting one to color. Strawberries taste absolutely delicious bathed with chocolate or vanilla and kids sure do love it. The interesting thing, they can give this strawberry any coating that they can imagine. It does not have to exist; it can be completely imaginary and non – existential. Here they can use their imagination and make strawberry combination which might not even taste good really life.
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This is the Strawberry Coloring Pages for Kids – Free Printables-17. Wow, the pores of the strawberry in this coloring printable do remind of pixels like in Minecraft. The figure is exactly symmetrical as if a carbon copy. And kids can observe that in reality, it is different. Strawberries present in nature are not that symmetrical, especially the pore on the skin. It is very easy to draw this as well. This way kids can practice their coloring and then draw as well.
Strawberry Coloring Pages For Kids – Free Printables-18
Read More: Animated Drawing Ideas For Kids
This is the Strawberry Coloring Pages for Kids – Free Printables-18. It is very suitable for toddlers. It is quite easy and simple to color. The pores on the strawberry look a lot like a triangle. A triangle within a triangle. It is a beginner – friendly coloring printable. Kids will have fun coloring. This way they can learn the basics of coloring and related techniques. All this will help them get better. It is also a fun and productive and way of spending time.
Strawberry Coloring Pages For Kids – Free Printables-19
Strawberry Coloring Pages for Kids – Free Printables-19. This is a simple and easy figure for kids to color, even toddlers. Kids can learn to color through this as it is not a detailed or a complex figure as you can see. It does not even require a lot of time to color it as it is just a single object. It is quite minimalistic. You just need two colors, and you will be done. So, you can easily color this anytime you want, and finish is really quickly. Often times, spending a lot of time just to color makes the kids feel tedious and boring so that will not be the case here.
Strawberry Coloring Pages For Kids – Free Printables-20
This is the Strawberry Coloring Pages for Kids – Free Printables-18. This is a very simple figure to color. It is also quite interesting in its appearance. If you observe and notice carefully, the pores look exactly like droplets of water dripping out of a container and the leafy green area on the top looks like bush. It is always fascinating to see things from a different perspective and make out different interpretations from it. It also enhances ones’ creativity and imagination. In addition to that, it also gives one a chance to see things differently than the usual.
Strawberry Coloring Pages For Kids – Free Printables-21
This is a Strawberry Coloring Pages for Kids – Free Printables-21. This is a coloring printable for kids of a figure of two strawberries. One strawberry is overlapping the other. Coloring this is pretty quick and effortless. It gives the projection of two faces and as if the pores are pimples on the skin. Amusing right! You can do this activity with kids. They can be asked to see what they see, what they envision in the image other than strawberries. This will enhance their imagination and creativity.
Strawberry Coloring Pages For Kids – Free Printables-22
This is a Strawberry Coloring Pages for Kids – Free Printables-22. It is a good fit for toddlers to color. The strawberry in this coloring printable has so many seeds upon its skin. It will be quite interesting for kids to know that they grow a strawberry plant from these seeds. Well, not just strawberry, there are several plants and trees that can be grown by a part of the plant, flower or fruit. One of the examples is rose. A rose plant can be grown out of the stem of a rose plant. This way kids can learn a lot of things while coloring.
Strawberry Coloring Pages For Kids – Free Printables-23
Strawberry Coloring Pages for Kids – Free Printables-23. There are two strawberries in the image. One of them is horizontal and other is vertical. The seeds are not in a symmetry or in an alignment just like the real ones. Although in the real strawberries, the seeds are very small and minute in size unlike here. The seeds in this image are bigger. This way kids can observe and distinguish between this artistic version of a strawberry and the real one. This will improve their observational skills. This will help in shaping their all – round personality as well.
Strawberry Coloring Pages For Kids – Free Printables-24
Read More: Colorful Drawings for Kids
This is the Strawberry Coloring Pages for Kids – Free Printables-24. The outline of the figure as you can observe, is quite thin. There are three strawberries. The rendering gives a hint of the shadowy, dark part. This shows that the light is reflected on the upper surface, causing the shadows in the lower surface. It is a good coloring printable for kids to practice their coloring skills. It is beginner friendly and not difficult, but kids will surely have fun coloring this and learn something in the process,
Strawberry Coloring Pages For Kids – Free Printables-25
This is the Strawberry Coloring Pages for Kids – Free Printables-25. In this coloring printable, there are two strawberries. Both the strawberries are finely rendered and shaded. This is a sketch. Kids can understand the concept of rendering. They can also observe how the light falls on one side of the surface and how the shadows are formed, etc. It will be good for the kids as they analyze it. They can study a lot of techniques by merely observation and an eye for detail.
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This is the Strawberry Coloring Pages for Kids – Free Printables-26. In this strawberry image you can easily spot the surface where the light is falling directly. The top, central surface is the part where the light is directly falling and hence there are no lines and strokes. In the surrounding surface you can observe and notice the lines. These lines depict the shadow. This is the concept that is used while rendering in a sketch. And hence there are no lines or strokes in the area where the light is falling.
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This is the Strawberry Coloring Pages for Kids – Free Printables-27. There are two strawberries. It is very easy to pick the spot where the light is falling directly. That surface is clearer, brighter and more visible. The contrast is the portion of the strawberries where the shadows come in. And that part can also be spotted as it is rendered well and darker in shade. Kids can study the figure before coloring this. This will giv e them a lot of knowledge about shading, rendering and the concept of the light and the shadow.
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This is the Strawberry Coloring Pages for Kids – Free Printables-28. The is free coloring printable compiles of three strawberries. One of the strawberries is cut in half. The sketch is very wonderfully made and brings out all the fine details in a very precise manner. There is realism in the appearance of the figure. The sketch is made in a way that it is most fit for pencil colors. Coloring using pencil colors will give the image the kind of effect no other types of colors would not. So. it is recommended for you to color this one using pencil colors.
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This is the Strawberry Coloring Pages for Kids – Free Printables-29. This free strawberry coloring printable needs to be shaded well. Not just coloring but shading and rendering using colors. The already rendered portion as you can see is full of dots. There are different techniques to render and shade an object and this is one of them. The seeds are rendered in strokes and there are lines in the leaves. Studying the image before coloring is quite important as drawing is an important part of the process. Drawing and coloring are interconnected and are influenced by each other.
Strawberry Coloring Pages For Kids – Free Printables-30
This is the Strawberry Coloring Pages for Kids – Free Printables-30. The strawberry in the free coloring printable will have a better impression if colored using pencil colors. This is because the lining is quite thin and the color of the outline of the entire drawing is grey. The rendering is well done. It can be done by a toddler or an extreme beginner but to give the figure and the sketching a proper justice, it is more fitting for kids who have some knowledge and practice of rendering and pencil shading. They can practice this way and also learn in the process.
Hope you liked these Strawberry coloring pages. For more coloring printables, do check our website. Please leave your comment and share your feedback.
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