Cardboard Craft
Camel Crafts & Activities for Kids
Discover some of the creative camel craft activities for kids. All these activities will teach students about camels. This way kids will learn more about animals.
All creative minds are welcome to explore camel craft tutorials. There are many easy-to-understand activities to explore. Here, kids will learn about camels while performing these activities. The way a camel stores water in its stomach, the same way kids would also be able to retain the skills and knowledge gained here. You will be able to sail through these craft ideas by following the instructions, just trust the procedure.
Camels are tall and funky animals, popular for being the main animal in Arabic night stories. This tall and innocent animal is pretty popular among kids when it comes to art and craft. Crafting is really important for small kids as it helps to develop fine motor skills and enhance creative thinking and artistic skills. Camel activities are very easy to make students of any age group can easily make such creative art pieces with a little bit guidance of from their parents or teachers.
This tall lean structure with a hump on the back is quite fascinating for young children. These crafting activities are less time-consuming and are inexpensive even you can make these with the help of old cardboard boxes and can also use used ice cream sticks. Hence these crafting activity also promotes the reuse of old items and you can also use these innovative crafting ideas to decorate your house or classroom.
Camel crafts can also be used as a handmade gifting option for your loved ones. To make this simple yet amazing art and craft all you need is some colorful crafting papers, crafting glue, paint, scissors and you are ready to make an amazing art piece. Here is a list of some very cool and fascinating art and craft activities for kids that they can easily enjoy at home during their vacations. So be ready to explore the world of art and craft with your little artist. Happy crafting!
Camel Crafts & Activities for Kids
We are here with camel crafts and activities like printable camel, puppets craft, egg carton craft, paper roll nativity, paper crafts, chayei sarah camel, silhouettes, origami camel, cardboard animal, mask template, nativity camel, clothespin craft, sandy desert, puppets hump, egg carton craft, desert in a box and paper camel craft.
Read More: Otter Crafts & Activities for Kids
Printable Camel Craft Ideas For Kids

Image Source/Tutorial: Learncreatelove
A cute-looking camel that is made by using printables. This is a unique craft idea that would be loved by the kids. You just need to get the printables of a camel and cut its body parts to assemble it again, similar to a puzzle. Getting printables and cutting them into different parts would be done by a teacher or by a parent. After assembling, add some details like a smile and eyes on its face. This activity would be enjoyed by kids 6-9 years old and they will learn about the body parts of a camel like its hump.
Handmade Camel Puppets Craft For Kids

Image Source/Tutorial: Tippytoecrafts
Have you ever seen a camel puppet? This tutorial has come up with such an interesting idea. You would learn about crafting a camel puppet of your own. On this camel, you can make as many humps as possible. Here, you need brown chart paper, two ice cream sticks, designer paper for the hump, a black marker pen, glue, and a pair of scissors. While using scissors, take the help of your teacher or parent. Kids 7-12 years old would enjoy and learn about their humps more. Also, this puppet is foldable which makes it more interesting. Enjoy!
Camel Egg Carton Craft For Kids
Making a camel by using an egg carton sounds amusing. Using an empty egg carton for making something new out of it is reusing unwanted things to learn something new. For this, you need an egg carton, four pipe cleaners, an A4 brown sheet, glue, and a black marker. Here, egg cartons are used to make humps of the camel, you can make as many humps as you want. Use pipe cleaners to make its legs, and cut out the neck and tail from the brown sheet. Be careful while using scissors. Kids of 6-12 years old would enjoy making it.
Toilet Paper Roll Nativity Camel Crafts

Image Source/Tutorial: Redtedart
Using a toilet paper roll for making a camel sounds engrossing. Take this chance of crafting one camel out of a toilet paper roll. For this, you need 2-4 toilet paper rolls, a woolen thread, an orchid yellow wrapping sheet, googly eyes, a decorative material, and a few wooden sticks for the legs and neck. Here, its body and head are made up of toilet paper rolls. This camel is a domestic camel. Kids 7-12 years old would learn that camels help for domestic purposes, such as giving milk and carrying luggage, they are also seen as camel carts. Enjoy!
How To Create A Camel Paper Crafts

Image Source/Tutorial: Craftswork
Make a cool-looking camel by folding paper and keep it as a memory or give it as a cute gift to someone. Don’t be afraid as this tutorial will sail you through this craft idea and you would polish your paper folding skills. Please have a look at our tutorial and follow the process. You just need one folding sheet of any color. Here, an orange folding sheet is used. Kids of 9-12 years of age would love making this paper camel. This helps them to improve their motor skills. Read every instruction carefully and follow, take your time.
DIY Chayei Sarah Camel Crafts For Kids

Image Source/Tutorial: Bimbam
Make a camel from the Sarah desert from this DIY tutorial. This activity is to make a camel. For this, you need a pair of scissors, glue, some decorative stickers, and a dark blue, green, purple, and orange sheet. The camel’s body is made by cutting the dark blue sheet, and the rest of the sheets are used for adding extra eye-pleasing decoratives. Also, some stickers are also used to add details and make an eye. Kids of 9-12 years of age would enjoy making this and they will learn that a camel is often called the ship of the desert.
Camel Silhouettes Crafts For Kids
This tutorial will teach you to craft a silhouette camel. For this activity, you need white A4 size paper, glue sticks, yellow and orange tissue paper, and construction paper. This tutorial contains easy-to-understand instructions along with the images. Here, four different ways of silhouetting camels are given. The background is created by using yellow and orange tissue paper, the background represents the desert. Kids of 9-12 years of age would love making this and they will learn about camel’s natural habitat, which is a desert. Moreover, they can carry water for hours in their stomach which keeps them hydrated.
How To Make Origami Camel Crafts

Image Source/Tutorial: Origami – Origami Video Instructions
Make a camel using an origami sheet. This origami camel you can be either keep as a showcase or a gift it to someone. Don’t be intimidated as this lesson will walk you through this craft project and improve your paper folding skills. Please read through the instructions and adhere to the steps. One origami sheet of any color is all you need. Here, a brown origami sheet is used. Making this origami camel would be fun for the kids of 9-12 years old and they will end up improving their motor skills. Take your time, thoroughly read every step, and follow.
Easy Cardboard Animal Toys For Kids

Image Source/Tutorial: Redtedart
Make use of cardboard to make a camel. For this, take cardboard, a black marker pen, and a pair of scissors. Use scissors while cutting the cardboard shape of a camel. Take a brown wrapping sheet as well to cover the cardboard. Here, the cardboard is cut into the shape of the camel’s body and its legs are cut separately. This activity would be enjoyed by 7-9 year old kids and they would learn the body structure of the camel. Moreover, their motor skills and creative domain would be polished. So, grab your materials and get ready and have fun.
Paper Camel Mask Template

Image Source/Tutorial: Super Coloring
Construct a paper camel mask. You must take out the print of the template to do this activity. Apart from this, you need a pair of scissors, and two elastic bands for the mask. Your teacher or parent would take out the print and let your teacher or parent cut out the camel’s template. It is wise to not use scissors for kids. Poke two holes on both the ears to tie the elastic band there. Don’t forget to poke out its eye so that you can see when you wear it. It would be enjoyed by 7-9 years old kids.
Handprint Nativity Camel Craft

Image Source/Tutorial: Planet of The Apels
Handprint of a camel craft. A camel is crafted just by imprinting your palm’s expression on a sheet. For this, you need a white-yellow sheet, a brown paint, and a paintbrush. Start by painting your palm with the given brown paint and then place your palm on the yellow sheet and then gently apply some pressure on the sheet. Using yellow and brown together turns out to be a good combination. Kids of 6-7 years of age would enjoy making a camel this way. They will learn about color combinations and their motor skills would also be developed.
Clothespin Camel Craft Activities For Preschool

Image Source/Tutorial: Artists Helping Children
Craft a camel by using clothespins. This activity sounds creative. For this, you need some clothespins, and a pair of scissors. Apart from this, take a printout of a camel or you can draw a camel and then cut it. After having the camel’s layout, clip the clothespins so that they become the legs of the camel. This activity would be enjoyed by the preschoolers and from this activity a new spectrum of creativity would be unlocked. This easy looking activity will help your child with polishing their creative side, this side will help them in future while solving a problem.
DIY Sandy Desert Crafts For Kids

Image Source/Tutorial: Crayola
DIY sandy desert craft. For this, you need a pack of wax or oil pastel colors. This is the scenery of a desert. This scenery includes a camel, a cactus, a snake, a hawk, and some sand dunes. This activity is for kids of 9-12 years of age. From this activity, kids would learn a lot about vegetation and animals found in the desert. Cactus is one of the common vegetations in desert regions and animals like snakes, camels, and hawks could be seen in this geographical region. Fill the colors as per the picture or you can be creative.
Camel Puppets Hump Craft For Kids

Image Source/Tutorial: Tippytoe Crafts
Craft a hump camel puppet with us. This tutorial has come up with a really interesting concept. You would learn how to make your own camel puppet. You can make as many humps as you like on this camel. A brown chart paper, two ice cream sticks, a designer paper for hump, a black marker pen, glue, and a pair of scissors are required for this project. Use scissors with the assistance of your teacher or parent. Kids aged 7 to 12 would love and learn more about camel humps. This puppet is also foldable, which adds to its appeal.
Camel Egg Carton Craft For Toddler

Image Source/Tutorial: DLTK’s-Kids
Making a camel by using an egg carton sounds amusing. Using an empty egg carton for making something new out of it is reusing unwanted things to learn something new. For this, you need an egg carton, a brown sheet, two ice-cream sticks, glue, and a white circular sticker for its eye. Here, egg cartons are used to make humps and the head of the camel, you can make as many humps as you want. Use ice-cream sticks to make its legs, and cut out the neck from the brown sheet. Kids of 6-12 years old would enjoy making it.
How You Can Make The Desert In A Box Diorama

Image Source/Tutorial: Lifeovercs
Make a desert in a box diorama. Diorama is a replica of a scene, here we are constructing a desert scene. You need a plastic box, a yellow sheet, printout of camels, and palm trees. Apart from it, you need two cups of sand, and some water to shape the sand. Water would help sand to shape and hold it. Put the yellow sheet in the background. All these elements are assembled together inside the box and make it look like a desert. Kids of 6-9 years of age would enjoy this activity and would learn how the desert looks.
Easy Paper Camel Craft Activity For Kids

Image Source/Tutorial: Paper Magic
Easy paper camel crafting activity. For this, you need to take a white, blue, and yellow sheet for the background. Apart from this, use yellow orchid paper for making our main character, camel. For highlighting the camel, use a brown and black marker pen. This activity would be enjoyed by 9-12 years old kids. This would develop the motor skills and folding skills of kids. Just follow the tutorial. Take help from your teacher if required. After crafting the camel, draw its mouth and hooves using the brown pen and eye using a black eye. Have fun and enjoy!
I hope you like our list of Camel Crafts & Activities for Kids and will surely try to make them.
If you like our ideas and want to read more crafts ideas, Keep visiting our website for the latest DIY ideas and other creative stuff for kids, parents, and teachers.
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