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Easy Drawing and Painting Ideas for Kids


Easy Drawing and Painting Ideas for Kids

Looking for easy-to-make drawings and paintings for your kids? You’re in the right place! Explore these drawings and start a creative journey with these simple and beautiful paintings and drawings.

Easy Drawing and Painting Ideas for Kids

Watercolor Big Trees

Easy Drawing and Painting Ideas for Kids Watercolor Big Trees

These beautiful autumn trees are made using watercolors. Watercolors are easy to handle and give a different look to our painting. They are used mostly for painting and not drawing. These trees have an autumn theme and are made of yellow and orange shade. It shows the falling leaves from the trees.

Different shades of yellow are used for each tree to show the different colors of leaves during the fall season or autumn. This amazing and super easy painting can be made by your child at home easily. This easy drawing and painting idea is best for your preschoolers.

Pine Trees by Crayon Shades

Pine Trees by Crayon Shades

These pine trees are made by using crayon colors. Crayon colors are the most essential part of art and drawing because they are not messy at all, very handy to use and huge color ranges are available in crayons. The wax  crayons are very easy to use by a kid, even a toddler learns to draw using wax crayons at the beginning rather than any other colors.

These trees are made on the autumn theme and are made using yellow and brown shade. All you need to do is form a pine tree shape with scribbling crayons and add the stems.

Different Trees Using Watercolors

Easy Drawing and Painting Ideas for Kids Different Trees Using Watercolors

Using watercolors to make different types of trees is an interesting idea of teaching kids about mother nature and the changes in the trees with the change in season. The spring season brings greenery and all the trees are filled with fresh green leaves. Nature looks beautiful at this time.

With the change in season and coming of autumn, the leaves of the trees start turning yellow and fall off the branches, and then again new leaves grow in spring. Also, this color painting will help them understand the different types of trees whether it be a pine tree, evergreen tree, fruit bearing tree, or medicinal trees; broad leaves, small leaves, maple leaves, etc.

Small Plants with Watercolors

Small Plants with Watercolors

You might have noticed the small mini-plants growing in the grounds which aren’t trees but remain small in size. These grassy plants also form a part of nature and must be told to kids. The small grasses and non-use plants such as mini flowers. Grasses, herbs, shrubs are drawn in the image using green watercolor and a paintbrush. You can teach about different types of grasses to your kids.

These are not only informative in nature but also very easy and simple to draw. Kids can draw these mini plants at home or in school. This drawing & painting idea is best for your preschoolers.

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Kids Art & Craft
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