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Easy Hedgehog Paper Craft For Kids

Easy Hedgehog Paper Craft For Kids

Kids Activities

Easy Hedgehog Paper Craft For Kids

This fun paper craft is perfect for kids of all ages! Create your own cute hedgehog with a few simple materials, and a few minutes of time. This craft is a great way to keep your kids entertained and teach them about animal shapes and textures. Follow along with our easy steps for a fun and creative activity.

Welcome to this fun and easy hedgehog paper craft for kids! This craft is perfect for young children and requires minimal materials—so it’s also budget-friendly. All you need is paper, scissors, and glue to create a cute hedgehog that your child can proudly display in their room or give as a gift. With just a few simple steps, you can have a sweet hedgehog craft in no time. Let’s get started!

Make Your Own Easy To Make Hedgehog Paper Craft For Kids

Easy Hedgehog Paper Craft For Kids

Read More: Easy to Make Paper Chicken Craft Tutorial

Materials Required

  • A4 Size Yellow Paper
  • Black Marker
  • Scissors
  • Clay (Red and Green)
  • Glue


Step 1: Grabbing Yellow Paper

Grabbing Yellow Paper - Making a Hedgehog Decoration with Paper Simple for Little Ones

To begin with, the craft, get an A4 size yellow paper.

Step 2: Folding Paper In One-Forth

Folding Paper In One-Forth - Developing a Hedgehog Art Piece from Paper Effortlessly for the Youngsters

Fold the bottom breadth of the yellow paper in one-fourth, crease it well, and unfold. Also, fold the paper half on the long side, crease it well, and unfold it.

Step 3: Cutting Paper

Cutting Paper - Creating a Hedgehog Creation Out of Paper Easily for Children

Using scissors, cut the bottom one-fourth half of the paper.

Step 4: Drawing Hedgehog’s Face

Drawing Hedgehog's Face - Crafting a Hedgehog Design with Paper Quickly for Young Persons

Draw a hedgehog’s face on the one-fourth half of the paper using a black marker.

Step 5: Cutting Hedgehog’s Face

Cutting Hedgehog's Face - Constructing a Hedgehog Piece with Paper Easily for Small Folk

Now, cut the hedgehog’s face out of the paper using scissors.

Step 6: Folding Leftover Face

Folding Leftover Face - Producing a Hedgehog Artwork with Paper Easily for Kids

Simply, fold the left paper as shown in the above image.

Step 7: Forming Pleats

Forming Pleats - Forming a Hedgehog Creation Out of Paper Easily for Youngsters

Unfold the paper and form pleats. To form pleats, fold the paper about one inch from one side of the paper and flip the paper. Again fold about an inch but in the opposite direction, flip the paper again. Repeat the same till the end of the paper.

Step 8: Gathering Pleats

Gathering Pleats - Generating a Hedgehog Ornament with Paper Easily for the Young

Gather the paper pleats together to make a paper strip.

Step 9: Folding Paper Pleats In Half

Folding Paper Pleats In Half - Developing a Hedgehog Craft from Paper Quickly for Children

Next, fold the paper pleats in half as shown in the above image.

Step 10: Pasting Sides

Pasting Sides - Making a Hedgehog Project with Paper Easily for Youth

Paste the sides of the pleats and open the pleats to make the fur of the hedgehog.

Step 11: Pasting Strawberries

Pasting Strawberries - A straightforward hedgehog paper craft activity for children

Using green and red clay, make strawberries and balls. Paste them on the hedgehog’s furs.

Paper Hedgehog’s Craft Is Ready!

Paper Hedgehog's Craft Is Ready! - A basic paper craft using hedgehogs for kids

You’ve finally made the craft. The Hedgehog Paper Craft is now ready to display and play. Kids can customize their crafts using colors and sheets. It is a great way for kids to make them learn about animals and crafting. What are you waiting for? Make your favorite animal paper craft! Happy Crafting!

Some More hedgehog Craft

Sweet Little Hedgehog Leaf Craft For Kids

Image Source/Tutorial: Kids Art & Craft

This sweet little hedgehog leaf craft is perfect for kids of all ages. It’s easy to make and a great way to get creative with the outdoors. Plus, it’s a fun way to learn about nature and the environment.

Fresh Leaf Hedgehog Craft For The Youngsters

Fresh Leaf Hedgehog Craft For The Youngsters

Image Source/Tutorial: Kids Art & Craft

This fun and easy craft is perfect for kids to make! Create a hedgehog out of fresh leaves and a few other materials. It’s a great way to get the youngsters involved in crafting while exploring nature. Give them a try!

A Fun Hedgehog Creation For Children

 A Fun Hedgehog Creation For Children

Image Source/Tutorial: Kids Art & Craft

This fun hedgehog creation is perfect for children. It is a great way to get kids interested in crafting and it allows them to be creative while learning. It is an easy and fun project that kids will love!

Lovable Hedgehog Leaf Craft For Kids Designs For Kids

Lovable Hedgehog Leaf Craft For Kids Designs For Kids

Image Source/Tutorial: Kids Art & Craft

This craft is perfect for kids! It is a lovable hedgehog leaf craft that is designed to be easy and fun for children of all ages. Get creative and have fun creating your own unique hedgehog leaves.

FAQs Related To Easy Hedgehog Paper Craft For Kids

1. What materials do I need for the hedgehog paper craft?

You will need cardstock or construction paper, scissors, glue, and a black marker for the hedgehog paper craft. Optional items include googly eyes, colored markers, and glitter.

2. How much time does it take to make the hedgehog paper craft?

The hedgehog papercraft is a fun and easy project that can be finished in about 30 minutes. All you need is paper, scissors, and glue to create a delightful hedgehog decoration!

3. How difficult is it to make the hedgehog paper craft?

The hedgehog papercraft is an easy and fun craft to make. It requires minimal materials and does not take much time. It is suitable for both young and old crafters alike.

4. Is the hedgehog paper craft suitable for all ages?

The hedgehog papercraft is a great project for all ages. It’s easy to assemble and fun to customize. Kids can experiment with different shapes and colors, while adults can explore more complex designs. It’s a great way to spend quality time together.

5. Are there any tips to make the hedgehog paper craft easier?

Yes! Using a craft knife to cut out the shapes for the hedgehog’s body and legs will make the craft much easier. Additionally, using a glue gun to secure the pieces together is the best way to ensure that your hedgehog will stay together.

This easy hedgehog paper craft for kids is a great way to spend a few hours with your little ones and make something fun and unique. This easy hedgehog paper craft for kids is a great activity to foster creativity and spend quality time with your children. Have a blast creating your own special hedgehog together!

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