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Farm Animal Drawing Ideas for Kids

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Farm Animal Drawing Ideas for Kids

Hello! Hope you are accomplishing your interest in your life. Children are often seen doing some activity and are always seen flickering around with any object or toy and can’t sit still. As parents, it’s sometimes bothersome to control and handle their unending activity. So, what about trying some good stuff with your toddler that’s fun and exciting, and tiring for them too?

In this article, we are gonna share some simple animal drawing activities for your toddler, through which your toddler will not only just acquire some good skills in the domain of art and craft but also it will provide them with some factual information about animals and other stuff. Let’s get our stationary and get engaged.

Easy Farm Animal Drawings for Kids

Farm Animal Drawing Ideas for Kids



Sheep is a farm animal and is very helpful to us. They provide us with meat, wool and milk. They are herbivores and eat grass and plants only. We have one stomach only but sheep have four different compartments of the stomach. Sheep don’t live alone, they love to live in groups. A group of sheep is known as a flock. Some sheep have horns while some don’t have. Young sheep is called lamb. You can draw the above figure in your art book. The difficulty level of this piece of work is medium and this drawing is suitable for the kids of age group seven-plus.
SheepSheep are very calm animals. It can be white or black. Some sheep have antlers, but some may not have. Here in the image, the sheep have antlers. Sheep are very useful animals as they provide us with meat, wool and milk. So, kids always are friendly with sheep and love and care for them. The woollen sweaters that we wear during winters are made up of sheep wool. In this drawing we are tracing only the head of the sheep, we have not drawn its body. Draw this one and colour it either black or white. The choice is yours. This drawing is suitable for kids of age 8+.

Draw a Cute Pig

Draw a Cute Pig

Pigs are cute and fatty animals, they have curly little tails. A very comical pig is drawn in the above image looking at us with grace and gratitude. The sketch is simple and your kid will enjoy making a pig. Pigs have split toes and short legs, protruding mouths, and big noses that help them to dig the mud for food. Pigs spend most of the day time lying and eating food. The food they eat develops into fat and gets stored in their body, that’s why they are so fat. Their diet includes a wide variety of plants and animal food.



He is a bird but it cannot fly although it has wings. is a very useful bird as it gives us eggs and we get nutrition from their eggs. Kids, do you have eggs in your breakfast? Hens love to play, run and jump. Some humans eat the hen. The house of the hen is known as a coop. They live and lay eggs in the coop. They have two legs and a strong beak. They are omnivores which means can eat both plants and animals. You can draw this fatty hen in your drawing books. This is easy to trace and don’t forget to fill it with bright colors. This drawing is suitable for kids of age group 8+.



The male cow is called a bull. Bulls are very strong and very aggressive. They have strong bodies and hard horns. Bull has more weight than cows. Some bulls lack horns. Like cow eats grass, in the same way, bulls also eat grass. Bulls don’t give us milk. Bulls have large bodies than cows. Try to draw the bull in your drawing books and get good marks from your teacher. The bull in the above image is very easy, try to trace this one. You can fill it with any of your favourite colours. Don’t forget to draw the patches on its body. This drawing is suitable for the kids in the age group 8+.

I hope that the above sketching ideas should be enough for your kid. Appreciate the work of your kid, and if need more ideas then don’t hesitate to go further and check other topics too. We have a lot of activities for your toddler which is surprising, rewarding, and fun.

In the end please drop a comment below and keep visiting our place for more fun with learning.

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