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Outdoor Toy Storage Box Ideas

DIY and Crafts

Outdoor Toy Storage Box Ideas

If you’re searching for outdoor toy storage box ideas for kids to do at home, you’re in right place! Keep your learning spirit alive with our curated list of outdoor toy storage box ideas like DIY outdoor toy storage waterproof bench idea, handmade garage pegboard storage craft for toys, backyard car parking storage craft, toy storage bin craft, wooden storage chest craft, and best garden tool storage box craft idea.

This section is for adults and for decoration work if you wish, you can assign it to your kids. Unless other craftwork posts, this page is purely for adults. It consists of carpeting works and handing with wood cutting tools and many others. Are you looking to make a place or things to arrange your stuff? then you are on the right page. Scroll down where you can find new ways of making storage craft and use this idea to make other things too.

Outdoor Toy Storage Box Ideas for Kids

Outdoor Toy Storage Box Ideas

Read More: 15 Awesome Storage Ideas For Kid’s Room

DIY Outdoor Toy Storage Waterproof Bench Idea

DIY Outdoor Toy Storage Waterproof Bench Box Ideas

Image Source/Tutorial: The Handy Man’s Daughter

If your kids are keen on playing outdoor games and looking for storage in the yard itself, then you are in the right place and we have the correct link for you to make storage and seater. The one which we have given here is water resistant and you don’t want to worry if it stands on rainy days or in winter or in summer. You are making two in one by making this storage box seater. You can watch your kid play by sitting on this seater. Of course, it may take some materials, time, and work, but the final product will be super cool. If you wish to look that colorful then color it with paint.

Handmade Garage Pegboard Storage Craft For Toy

Handmade Garage Pegboard Storage Craft For Toy

Image Source/Tutorial: The Creativity Exchange

Are you feeling that your garage room is small and couldn’t allocate things right there? Irrespective of this garage room, things which are clumped together always consume more space. Just arrange those and see, you will wonder as you’ll get more space and can put more things than before. The same goes here. Arrange things properly in your garage or storeroom so you can fill things though you have less amount of space. So here we are using pegboard to sort our clumps things. If you want then go with painting the pegboard. This pegboard wall hanging is less expensive and removes the work of drilling and nailing in the walls. On the one side hang your tool kits and on the other side hang your kid’s outdoor playing tools. Through your action and idea teach your kids how neat and clean we should maintain our home and the significance of organizing things which will reduce our searching time also.

Outdoor Ball Storage Idea For Kids

Outdoor Ball Toy Storage Box Idea For Kids

Image Source/Tutorial: Raise Them up

If your kids have n number of balls and find it difficult, to sum up, all those in one place then you can try this method. If you have school or working in a school, you may feel this post useful as schools and sports teams contain many balls. You may feel why you need to go with this particular one as there are many. This mode is someway easy to make and can access any ball in a quick way compared to other ball storage mechanisms. The string used here can be pulled and you can pick a ball by just pulling them on one side, rather than picking from the mouth(entryway) of the storage box. Removing all other balls and again filling them in the basket is annoying to work if the ball you need stayed at the core bottom of the box. If it is fully covered then there may be the chance of stagnant water after a rainy period but this box won’t have that problem. Try hitting this storage box and see how helpful it is.

Outdoor Storage Rack Craft For Ball

Outdoor Storage Rack Craft For Ball

Image Source/Tutorial: Sterling Davis

Here we have another outdoor storage rack. This requires some work compared to previous ones. This is mostly carpeting work. You need wood and cutting and drilling tools to make this storage box. You can save balls and other playing kits in this. Use a string with a hook to secure the things without falling from this board. This way it is possible to make racks for other holdings too. If you have the patience and tools to play with, go ahead with this storage craft. You can also sell these online. The video link is added in this image post, watch that for reference and make your storage cupboard.

Outdoor Storage Beach Craft Idea

Outdoor Toy Storage Beach Box Craft Idea

Image Source/Tutorial: Family Handy Man

If you wanna make a storage box on your own as the cost is high in shops then this is the post that will guide you to create a storage box. This post helps you to make a storage box for $1000. The link to this post gives you a step-by-step approach to making this box and using this. This requires wooden materials and your involvement. If you are interested in doing carpeting work then this will right fit for you. Once you are done with this, make it stylish and sell it online at an affordable and justifiable price.

DIY Ball & Toy Storage Craft For Outdoor

DIY Ball & Toy Storage Craft For Outdoor

Image Source/Tutorial: Mamaneedsa Project

You may think that “I can arrange things inside my home so why do I need to go with this?” Keeping things in the right place will make us work on them. In recent research, people found that playing outside games impacts a child’s short-sightedness. If you place things in an easily accessible way, people tend to do that job at the first sight. Keep your kids playing stuff outside your home that is the yard, kids will play outside without searching for the kits and they will learn to arrange things in an orderly manner. Customize your storage craft based on your needs. Leave space between the boards while making this craft so that water won’t stagnant in the storage box. Use the link given in the image to build your storage craft.

Read More: Toy Storage Ideas for Living Room

Car Parking Outdoor Storage Craft For Toy

Car Parking Outdoor Storage Craft Idea For Toy

Image Source/Tutorial: Momendeavors

As princesses are the favorite of girls, cars, bikes, and vehicles are the favorite part of boy child mostly. They may have many collections of vehicle toys if you look at their toy collection. It may be boy or girl kid, hardly they do organizing their things. So make this storage arrangement and teach them the arranging and organizing discipline. This craft is less work compared to other storage posts listed here. You need PVC pipes, T-connectors, a plastic roof, clip rings, and a drop cloth. Just make the setup of PVC pipe and  T-connectors on the wall side. To cover the top use that plastic roof and for the other three sides drop clothes with the help of cloth rings. Try this in your home.

Large Outdoor Wooden Storage Chest Craft

Large Outdoor Wooden Storage Chest Craft

Image Source/Tutorial: Pinterest

Make this wooden box and store all your outdoor toys in one place. You need woods and nails to make this. In a calculated measurement create this box, put this outside of your house, and ask your kids to place their toys after their playtime. If you wish, decorate it with paints and craft things. Take the work of making this box and leave the decoration part to your kids.

Best Garden Tool Storage Box Craft Idea For Kids

Best Garden Outdoor Tool Toy Storage Box Craft Idea For Kids

Image Source/Tutorial: Instructables

This reminds me of the wooden home for birds. The design used is somehow nearer to this. The space looks narrower here; you can change the measurements as per your wish, and the procedures are the same. Try this out and also make a home for birds this way and let your craft work have some social welfare attitude. After you finish this craft (woodwork), decorate this with paints and leave that decoration work to your kids or grandkids. Finally, hang them in the yard.

Simple Outdoor Toy Storage Craft

Simple Outdoor Toy Storage Craft

Image Source/Tutorial: Playdates Parties

Another easily organizing way here. Feeling no space to organize your kid’s toys? If you have 2,3 kids in your home at different ages then all of them won’t use the same kind of toys, isn’t it? And nobody likes to search or rush for particular things in different places. We will feel satisfied if we can access needed things in a single search in one place. This post helps to achieve all those listed above. The thing here is just to make stand and a separate tray for each of your kids. Use a plastic tray so that it’ll be easy for kids to access without allowing them to handle heavy weights.

DIY Toy Storage Bin Craft For Kids

DIY Outdoor Toy Storage Bin Craft Idea For Kids

Image Source/Tutorial: Family Handy Man

This looks really beautiful and attractive, isn’t it? You can sell this online and make some profits. But this requires materials, patience, and your time. Here the space required was less so it was small and if you want, you can change the measurements. You can separate compartments for each of your needs like toys, tools, and other stuff.

Handmade Outdoor Toy Storage Idea

Handmade Outdoor Toy Storage Idea

Image Source/Tutorial: I Heart Organizing

Here we are with another rack idea for storage. This requires just installing the shelves. Once you are done with the shelves then you are through! Have separate baskets for each of your items and hang the tags by writing the names of each section for quick identification so that we don’t wanna search for a specific item in all the baskets. If you have the space to write in the buckets and paint in your craft section then write on the bucket the name of the section.

Read More: DIY Desk Organizer from Toilet Paper Rolls for Kids

Small Outdoor Toy Storage Craft For Preschoolers

Small Outdoor Toy Storage Box Craft Idea For Preschoolers

Image Source/Tutorial: Hgtv

This is another way to store your kid’s toys, tools, sports items, and swimming pool equipment in one place. We used to play building houses on beach sands and blocks, here a small storage is built with a wooden fence. This is time-consuming and if you have spare time and are interested to build this then go ahead. Based on your requirement calculate and leave the space.

Backyard Outdoor Toy Craft Idea

Backyard Outdoor Toy Craft Idea

Image Source/Tutorial: Designed To Dwell

Some are experts in making our place garbage(without arranging things)! Some are keen to arrange things in a proper way. I fall in the 2nd category, the feeling after arranging a collapsed space is really different and happiest for me. Maybe I might have gotten this from my mother’s scolding about arranging things properly. Like myself, the idea boss (who has given this backyard storage idea) has posted the before and after posts of this storage room, go through the link given below the link and try yourself in the new way of yourself(cleaning and organizing things). Making a shelf or cupboard is time-consuming and here things are sorted out in the wall so you don’t wanna worry if you have narrow or little space.

Hope you have enjoyed these ideas and try this in your home too! Replace your spare time in this way and you can also sell your creative crafts online and create a new platform for your second income. Be in touch with K4craft where you can find a lot of innovative craft ideas for both kids and adults.

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