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Realistic Cactus Desert Craftwork Idea For Beginners

Realistic Cactus Desert Craftwork Idea For Beginners

Kids Activities

Realistic Cactus Desert Craftwork Idea For Beginners

This article provides a step-by-step guide for making a realistic cactus desert craftwork idea for beginners. Learn how to create a stunning desert scene in your home with this easy-to-follow tutorial! Suitable for all skill levels.

Get ready to explore the world of the desert by making a delightful craft that involves making a cactus plant using leaves of different colors and shapes! Take your kids along with you on an expedition hunting for the leaves required for the craft. You can visit a nearby garden or nursery to collect the leaves. Take advantage of this opportunity to teach your kids about various plants and their leaves. Also, tell them the benefits of the different plants. This information will get them excited about this craft and they will finish this activity with a great deal of enthusiasm and energy! Let’s begin!

DIY Realistic Cactus Desert Craft Work For Kids

Realistic Cactus Desert Craftwork Idea For Beginners

Read More: Easy to Make Animal Drawing Video Tutorial for All

Materials Required

  • Green Leaves
  • Dried Brown Leaves
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • CraftSheet (White)
  • Sketch Pen (Blue)
  • Marker (Pink, Black)


Step 1: Pasting A Brown Leaf

Pasting A Brown Leaf - A practical cacti-themed desert artwork project perfect for novices.

Let’s begin this craft by taking a white craft sheet. Cut a circle out of it. This will become the base of our art project. Next, we have to make brown desert sand for our cactus craft. To resemble the brown desert sand, we will use a dried brown leaf. Paste it horizontally at the bottom of the circle as shown.

Step 2: Making The Body Of The Cactus

Making The Body Of The Cactus - Creating cacti-inspired desert artwork - just the thing for those starting out.

Take a wide and small green leaf to make the body of the cactus. Paste it above the brown leaf as shown.

Step 3: Pasting More Leaves

Pasting More Leaves - An effortless desert art concept for those new to the scene.

Take two more green leaves and cut them into an oval shape and paste them on the green leaf pasted earlier as shown in the image. These will become the fleshy stems of the cactus.

Step 4: Adding One More Leaf

Adding One More Leaf - Crafting cacti-infused desert artwork - perfect for the beginner.

To complete the body of the cactus, take one more small green leaf and cut it into a small oval shape and paste it above the cactus as shown in the image.

Step 5: Drawing The Pink Flowers

Drawing The Pink Flowers - A great desert art design for those just beginning.

Take a pink marker, and draw small flowers on the entire body of the cactus as shown. The bright pink colored flowers will add a touch of vibrance to the whole craft.

Step 6: Making The Spikes Or Thorns

Making The Spikes Or Thorns - Cactus-based desert artwork that is simple enough for beginners.

Spikes or thorns are an essential part of the cactus. What is the use of the cactus, if it doesn’t have spikes? To make the spikes, take a black marker and draw small vertical lines on the entire surface of the cactus to represent the spike resembling the thorns present on a real-life cactus plant.

Step 7: Drawing The Clouds

Drawing The Clouds - A desert artwork project with a cacti theme, suitable for the novice.

Take a blue sketch pen and draw the clouds on the white circle.

The Realistic Cactus Desert Craftwork Is Ready!

The Realistic Cactus Desert Craftwork Is Ready! - A straightforward desert art project ideal for the novice.

Fill up the empty space of the white circle with clouds to enhance the overall look of the craftwork. And that’s it, you have completed your craft successfully!

The usage of real leaves has made the craft look more realistic and visually appealing. It can be hung as a wall decor. It can be preserved for days to come. Once it dries, another cactus craft can be made by following these simple steps. Encourage your kids to do this craft and improve their creative skills further. Keep following our website for more creative ideas and content for the kids.

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