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Caterpillar Eating Apple Paper Play Artwork Tutorial For Kids

Caterpillar Eating Apple Play Paper Artwork Craft For Kids


Caterpillar Eating Apple Paper Play Artwork Tutorial For Kids

This step-by-step art tutorial has bought you a unique drawing art to make on your own with easy instructions! Caterpillars eating an apple! 

Create a play art! At one minute there was a whole apple and the other minute the apple is eaten by caterpillars! This artwork will surely be a hit collection! Everyone will admire your creation and will love to look at it and play with it! This drawing play art is perfect to make in the boring afternoon hours to have a fun activity! This step-by-step tutorial is a guide for you to help in making this drawing play art with clear and easy steps and instructions! Read the article to make it!

DIY Caterpillar Eating Apple Paper Play Artwork

Caterpillar Eating Apple Play Paper Artwork Craft For Kids

Read More: Planting a Tree Easy Drawing For Environment Day

Materials Required

  • White Paper Sheet
  • Black Marker
  • Sketch Pens
  • Cello Tape Roll


Step 1: Making The Half-Apple Stencil

Making The Half-Apple Stencil- A guide to teaching children how to consume an apple with a caterpillar design

To begin this artwork craft, take a white paper sheet and fold it more than half, and then again fold open it less than whole to make 2 creases over the paper and some paper folded inside. Now, take a fellow tape roll and bend it inside to make a stencil for half-apple. Place the tape from the bent part over the above half of the paper from the folded partition.

Step 2: Making The Top-Half Apple Using Stencil

Making The Top-Half Apple Using Stencil- A lesson plan for youngsters to learn how to make art out of apple slices and a caterpillar

Take a black marker and use it to trace the inward boundary of the tape roll to make the top half of the apple.

Step 3: Making The Whole Apple

Making The Whole Apple- A step-by-step guide to help children munch on an apple with a caterpillar image

Using the marker, complete the half-apple into the whole on the below partition of the folded paper. Also, draw an apple stem with leaves at the bulging top as shown in the image.

Step 4: Opening The Folds

Opening The Folds- A guide on how to produce artwork with a caterpillar and apple slices for kids

Open up the folds of the paper as shown in the image.

Step 5: Making An Eaten Apple Inside

Making An Eaten Apple Inside- Educating kids on how to eat a caterpillar-shaped apple snack

Using the marker, draw the apple to look like it’s eaten in the middle of the apple parts as shown in the image.

Step 6: Coloring The Apple

Coloring The Apple- An instructional manual for young ones to learn how to craft a caterpillar design with an apple

Using sketch pens, color the apple by folding it again along the creases and see a whole apple.

This Is The Final Look Of Your Caterpillar Eating Apple!

This Is The Final Look Of Your Caterpillar Eating Apple- Teaching children to make a caterpillar picture out of an apple in a fun way

For the last step, make 2 caterpillars on each side of the eaten apple and color the whole drawing using sketch pens to make it look just like the image.

Congratulations! You did it! Your cute caterpillars are eating your apple! Fold the paper along the creases and open it again to see the magic!

This brings an end to the tutorial! Stun everyone with your creation and show off your art and craft skills! They will definitely love to see this art of yours and will admire you! You can use this tutorial to make more such innovative play artwork like shark eating fish, you can make a shark with its mouth closed over the folder paper ad when you open the folds the mouth is opened and fish are going inside it! Your imagination is the limit!

Hope you liked the article and the description. Do give it a like and share it with your friends! Also, tell us about your crafting journey in the comments section!

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