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Number Learning Activities For Kids

Number Learning Activities For Kids

Kids Activities

Number Learning Activities For Kids

We have been doing a lot of number learning activities over at our house this week! There are so many different activities to try!

Numbers and the number system can be really intimidating for the uninitiated. That is the reason why the lessons in such subjects need to be fun, colourful and engaging, to keep the interest of young kids so that they pick up on the elementary number system. This has to be done by incorporating relevant and interesting stuff such as colourful beads, marbles and replicas of daily usable items that hold a child’s attention for a while.

Counting numbers is only the beginning to a much deeper and intricate understanding of the number system and other mathematical operations. Hence, this is absolutely necessary to get instilled in a young child, so that they don’t have problems working with numbers as adults.

Number of Learning Activities For Kids

Number Learning Activities For Kids

Learning Counting For Beginners

Number Learning Activities For Kids Learning Counting For Beginners

Here in this first example, we can see the four numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4written across a coloured paper, with animal figures placed on it. We can see that the number of animal figures next to the numbers which they are placed is exactly the same, i.e., there is one toy animal next to the number one, two next to 2, and the process goes on as such.

Counting Beans For Learning

Number Learning Activities For Kids Counting Beans For Learning

Here we can see many beans laying inside a basket and several containers which are numbered randomly. By playing this game, kids can learn how many beans in the container correlate to the number which is written on them.

Popsicle Stick Counting Puzzles

Number Learning Activities For Kids Popsicle Stick Counting Puzzles

Popsicle stick counting puzzles can be used as a fun game for counting from 1 to 10. Each popsicle stick can be allotted a number, which can first be jumbled up and kept randomly. Then, the kid might arrange the numbered sticks in chronological order for a fun mathematical game.

Marbles And Numbers Playing Along

Number Learning Activities For Kids Marbles And Numbers Playing Along

In this example above, we can see the number 4 surrounded with four marbles. This can be a game of counting marbles and placing them according to the number displayed on the board. This can be done for any number, say 1, 2, 3, and so on.

A Friendly Octopus With Love For Numbers

Number Learning Activities For Kids A Friendly Octopus With Love For Numbers

This octopus right here has eight tentacles, with eight cheerios on each of its tentacles resembling suckers, and the number 8 written on its head. Drawing a cheerio and continuing until 8 are done, and then repeating the process for every 8 tentacles can be really fun!

Playing With Colours And Numbers Together

Playing With Colours And Numbers Together Number Learning Activities For Kids

The colours of the rainbow can be seen in a pattern with an increasing number of teddy bear miniature figures. There are a fixed number of teddy bears for each consecutive number as the number of bears in the picture increases from 1 and then goes up to 10.

Matching Colours With Paper Clips

Matching Colours With Paper Clips Number Learning Activities For Kids

Fishes of different colours can be laid on the mat, and then it can be a game where a paper clip the same colour as a numbered fish can be attached. This game is useful to instil the knowledge of colours besides numbers.

Pawing The Way Forward

Pawing The Way Forward Number Learning Activities For Kids

A fun game: stick paw stickers onto the ground, number them consecutively according to the order of steps. As the toddler walks forward, the parent or the supervisor can count the numbers stepped on with each step, and thus, the child would feel a burst of accomplishment.

The Number Beetle Game

The Number Beetle Game

A bright red ladybug beetle lays here with two different designs on either side of its back abdomen. On one side we have six dots, and on the other side, there is the number “6” written on top of it, and this is another great way to learn to count.

Dropping The Fluffy Balls In The Tubes

Dropping The Fluffy Balls In The Tubes

Here it can be seen that there are fluffy balls of various colours, and different sized tubes kept alongside them correspondingly. The kid has to drop the ball into the tube by matching the colours, and thus learning the numbers in the process too. Thus, this is a two-fold activity in one, teaching both about colours and numbers.

Inserting Coloured Coins In The Ballot

The ballot box sits atop the surface with five different sizes of perforations, each having five different colours corresponding to the number allotted to it. The game here is to insert correctly the coloured coin into the right gap. It is really useful as this game alone teaches to distinguish colours, size and numbers at the same time.

Coloured Popsicle Sticks Game

Coloured Popsicle Sticks Game

Various popsicle sticks of different colours are shown stuck into a stand where each popsicle is labelled with a number on top of it. If we look carefully, we can see a pattern of numbers increasing in order from left to right, four at a time. This can be a real good game for ages 5 and up to help to learn with numerical orders. The assortment of colours helps that further.

Counting Clips

Counting Clips

We can play this game of clamping clips to popsicle sticks with numbers as recreation for kids. Along with the purpose of recreation,  this also instils knowledge of numbers as the kid know how many pins to clip to each popsicle stick according to the number written on them.

Arranging Number Blocks

Arranging Number Blocks

This game above can be used to play number hunt by placing various numbered blocks along a play train track. The child can pick up the numbered blocks to plan a route for the train to run along the track. As the blocks are picked up, then they can be placed upon one another in order.

Walking Up To The Goal

Walking Up To The Goal

A numbered paper plate can be placed at the end of a walking trail where a kid can walk up to it. After reaching a certain number, there can be the next number which might be placed somewhere nearby. This could be a really engaging game of accomplishing goals!

Also Read: 15 Letter Learning Activities For Preschoolers

Number Learning Activities For Kids

We hope this post was enjoyable as it was enlightening. Learning about numbers might seem scary at first but it is absolutely necessary to get acquainted with them for the better. We saw many options to initiate such understandings, ranging from octopuses to counting beans and coloured pins galore. These games above are suitable for kids of different ages, segregated according to knowledge and difficulty levels; and we cannot get enough of them!

Make sure to leave a comment down below and share your thoughts. Also, please visit this website and other posts again! Thank you and have a great day/night!

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  • Number Learning Activities For Kids
  • Number Learning Activities For Kids
  • Number Learning Activities For Kids
  • Number Learning Activities For Kids
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