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Creative DIY Sandbox Activities for Kids

25 Creative DIY Sandbox Activities for Kids

DIY and Crafts

Creative DIY Sandbox Activities for Kids

Sandbox is one of the must have items in your backyard if you have little children. Hope you like these 25 cool and creative DIY Sandbox activities for kids. Some of these sandboxes require professional tools, some are so easy you can make it from the things you already have it at home.

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Creative sandbox play activities for kids

Creative DIY Sandbox Activities for Kids

Sandboxes are a great way to engage your kids in outdoor activities. This way they get in touch with the natural environment as well as playing outside gives a freshness jolt to the kids, which fills them with joy and happiness. These unique and creative sandbox

Sandbox play activities for kids in a tub

Sandboxes are a great way to introduce your kids to outdoor activities. You can use an old bath tub for making a sandbox. Use a smaller bath tub if you have small children. The children will remain occupied with their games and fun activities, while you can enjoy your weekend in peace. You can add sand toys as well to the sandbox for your children to play with. You can even make a shaded area for the children to play under.

Sandbox play activities for kids using creative ways

This is a very beautiful sandbox creation made from two benches which are identical to each other. The two benches provide a place for the kids to sit on. This sandbox is made of wooden planks with the two benches on the opposite sides of the sandbox. You can make this sandbox under trees to avoid dehydration of children in summer time. Paint the two benches in bright paint colors. Add sand to the sandbox. You may also add sand toys to the sandbox for yours children to play with.

Backyard sand pit Sandbox play activities for kids

These are some of the great DIY projects for sandbox play activities for kids. You can make some inspirational DIY sandboxes to ensure that your child can enjoy the sandbox activities at home. You can make a shallow pit in your backyard and add sand to the pit. Fill the pit up completely. You can use many creative ideas to line the sandpit. You can use log pieces, big boulders, concrete blocks or even potted plants to line the sandbox. Add suitable sand toys for tour child to play with.

Sandbox play activities for kids in an inflatable water tub

This is a very colorful and unique sandbox idea. Take a big plastic tire and paint it in different colors. You can make the Tyre as colorful as possible. You can make it as much attractive as you want to. Now take some pool noodles and slit them from one side. Now fix the pool noodles on the inner rim of the plastic tire. This will ensure that your child does not get hurt by the edges of the plastic tire. Keep this on a plain surface in the backyard and fill it up with sand. Add sand toys for your kids to play with.

Plastic tyre Sandbox play activities for kids

This plastic tire sandbox is great. The plastic tire is beautifully painted and adorned with patterns. Make patterns in bright and contrasting colors. Take some matching pool noodles and slit them from one side. Now place the pool noodles on the inner edge of the plastic tire to ensure safety of your child. Place it on a firm ground and fix an umbrella in the middle of the plastic tire. Now fill up the tire with sand. You may add some sand tyre to complete this sandbox play activities for kids DIY.

DIY Sandbox play activities for kids

This is a fun way to add the outdoor element in the lives of your kids. If you know some carpentry, make your children a beautiful wooden sandbox. You can make this sandbox in any shape. Paint the outer edges of the sandbox in bright colors. Make four sitting portions on the four corners of the square sandbox. Fix an umbrella on one or all the corners to avoid dehydration in summers. Add sand and sand toys to the sandbox.

Sandbox play activities for kids inside a tent

This is a very cool sandbox for a toddler. A toddler can easily play inside a tent. Start by digging a shallow pit of the size of the tent. Now fill the pit with the sand. Place your tent over the sandpit and open the door of the tent. Let your child play in this creative sandbox. You may add sand toys to keep your child busy with new activities. You can also teach your child to make mountains, castles, etc. Out of the sand. These sandbox activities will surely be fun for your child.

Sandbox play activities for kids in the backyard

This is a very geometrical sandbox idea in your backyard. If your backyard happens to have a concrete flooring and sand proof joints for the sandbox walls. You can choose any colored sandbox walls. Place it along the walls of the backyard so that it does not hinder your way around your chores. Fill up the sandbox with sand till two inches below the brim. Add sand toys to the sand box to make it an enriching experience for your kids. You can even teach your children to make different structures with sand. Also tell your children to always wash their hands after playing with sand, to avoid any sand sticking to the nails and hands. For surely safety comes first.

Summer Sandbox play activities for kids

This is a really great idea for a summer time picnic. Girls would surely enjoy a picnic like this. If you know some carpentry skills, you can make this on your own otherwise employ a carpenter for the purpose. Construct a raised platform using wooden planks. You may paint the top surface planks in beautiful colors. Add a side umbrella to the side of the platform. You may also keep a water cooler or an ice basket nearby to enjoy refreshing coolers in the summer heat.

High rise Sandbox play activities for kids

You can make this high rise sand box for your kids as well. Construct this sandbox keeping in mind the heights of your children. Start with high rise platform, which is to be made in wood according to the height of your children. Add a plastic tray at the top surface. Place a grill inside the plastic tray and pour the sand. Your high rise sandbox is ready. Keep some sand toys to enrich your children’s pleasure.

Wooden DIY Sandbox play activities for kids

This is a beautiful hexagonal sand box for kids. If you know some carpentry skills you can surely make this beautiful sand box for your kids and their friends. You may even hire a professional carpenter for this work. The beautiful sand box is a perfect hexagon. You can start by making a shallow pit in your backyard. Make a hexagonal structure around the pit. Fill the pit with sand. Fill up the sand till the half of the height of the hexagonal structure. Add buckets and sand shovels to add fun to the sand box activities.

Beautiful DIY Sandbox play activities for kids

This is a very unique sand box design. The beautiful sand box design is intricate and beautiful. The outside boundary of the sand pit has four pillars which hold the cloth roof of the sandbox in place which makes the playing area shady. There are various structures at the base. The colorful bars and the pebbles pit along with the sand box make a great sight. You can add beautiful sand tools and other toys to make it more fun.

Sandbox play activities in a backyard pit

You can make a DIY backyard pit for your kids to enjoy sandbox activities. Dig a shallow pit in your backyard in a well shaded region. Now fill up this pit with sand. Align the outer edges of the sand filled pit with concrete blocks. This will add the old school sheen to the sandpit. You may buy some sand tools to engage in proper sand activities and to make it more fun.

Sandbox play activities lined by boulders

This is a very ancient designed sandbox design. First of all dig a shallow pit in one corner of your backyard. Make choice of a shady place. Fill up the pit with fine sand. Collect big boulder to line the beautiful sand pit. You may add an umbrella to this sandpit. You can also add sand toys for your children to play with. Teach your children the importance of washing their hands after playing in sand.

Sandbox play activities for kids in the house

This is a very unique sandbox idea. This sandbox is constructed inside the house. The sandbox is made inside the house in a quiet corner. The beautiful sand box has a triangular structure. The corner has two mirrors which give an infinite view. This makes the sandbox look bigger than it is. Fill up the sandbox with sand up to half the height of the wooden walls. Add some sand toys to the sandbox to make the experience worth it.

Sandbox play activities for kids in a boat hull

You may even use a boat hull or you may say a boat base for the sandbox activities for kids. Take an old boat and scrape off the accessories. Keep the boat in a shady area in your backyard. Fill this boat with sand. Add a seating plank at one edge of the boat. Add sand toys. You may even teach your children some techniques for sand playing. Also teach them the importance of washing their hands after playing with sand.

Sandbox play activities for kids with a sun shade

This is a great idea for sand activities for kids. You may make or get made a beautiful boat shaped sandbox. You can get it made by a professional carpenter. Add a boat style pole and tie a sun shade to it which slopes on both the sides. Tie the ends of the sun shade to the four corners of the boat shaped sandbox. Fill the sandbox with sand. Also add sand toys to make it a worthy experience for your kids.

Sandbox play activities for kids using big plastic tyre

This plastic tire sandbox can be easily created. Get a big plastic tire. Paint the tire in a bright color. Now keep it on a leveled surface in your backyard. Fill up the tire with sand. Add sand toys for your children to the sand box.

Sandbox play activities for kids lined with tyres

This sand box can also made on a concrete surface. Collect some old tires and cut them in half. Now make a flower structure using the tires. Fill the structure with sand. Add some sand toys or utensils for your kids to play with in the sand box. You may even paint the tires in beautiful colors.

Sandbox play activities using bamboo sticks

This is a very simplistic and good way to create a sand box for your children. Collect some bamboo sticks and place them in a regular fashion. On the ground in your backyard. Dig a shallow pit inside the structure and fill the whole sandbox with sand. Fill the sand up to a low height of the bamboo structure. Your kids will love this sandbox. You may adjust the size according to your requirement. Add some sand toys to make it more fun.

Sandbox play activities using wooden slabs DIY

This is a very different sandbox as the sandbox is made in the wooden structure itself. This sandbox has a raised platform made of wood. The lower region of the sandbox has the sand in it. The beautiful sandbox structure of pristine and elegant. It gives a proper platform to sit upon and the play area is great as well. Add some sand toys to it. You may also add an umbrella on the side of the sandbox to make it more suitable to play in summer.

Sandbox play activities for kids

This indoor sandbox idea is great. If your house is in a city where harsh weather is a common sight, you may resolve to indoor sandbox play activities for kids. You can make this sandbox with a high raised table style platform. Add a high walled top to the table. Fill the top structure with sand. Place some small sand toys. You may keep some chairs on all sides of the sandbox to ensure ease of your children.

Sandbox play activities for kids lined with logs

This is a pretty sight. You can make a sandbox in a corner of your backyard. Make a shallow pit in the corner. Now fill this area with sand. Line the edges of the sandbox with logs. Add some sand toys to the sandbox for great activities. Teach your child some tips and tricks to play with sand. Also tell your children to always wash their hands after laying with sand. Safety always comes first.

Sandbox play activities for kids lined with tyres

This is a beautiful sand pit lined with tires. Make a round pit in your backyard fill it with sand toll the surface. Now keep old tires all along the perimeter of the sand pit. You can add big sand tyre to this big sand pit. Try to look for a place which is near a big tree to ensure optimum shade in summers. Add some sand toys to make it more fun. You may teach your children different hacks to shape the sand using sand toys. Always tell your children to wash their hands after playing in sand. Safety always comes first.

Sandbox play activities for kids lined with potted plants

This zen garden-style sandbox pit is an absolute goal. You may create this beautiful sandbox in your backyard. Dig a small and shallow pit in your backyard. Fill it up with sand. Now like this beautiful sand pit with zen items like bonsai, pebbles, flowers, etc. It will provide calmness to your child. You may also add sand toys for your child to play with in the sand pit. You can also teach your child to make castles, mountains, sweets, homes, etc. out of the sand.

Creative DIY Sandbox Activities for Kids

We hope you liked all these beautiful sandbox play activities for kids. We hope your children love them equally. Do make these sandboxes and share your opinion with us in the comments section below. Check out other related articles on Craft. We will soon come up with more such child-oriented articles.

Kids Art & Craft
  • 25 Creative DIY Sandbox Activities for Kids
  • Creative DIY Sandbox Activities for Kids
  • 25 Creative DIY Sandbox Activities for Kids
  • Creative DIY Sandbox Activities for Kids
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