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Cute Flower Drawing Ideas for Kids


Cute Flower Drawing Ideas for Kids

Searching for flower drawing ideas? Here, we have some gorgeous sketches of occasional flowers for you and your toddlers. The sketches of flowers that are drawn below will make your toddler learn about them. Through diagrams, it becomes easy for them to learn and memorize. Apart from sketching we will be talking about their features, usage, and benefits. 

Below are the diagrams which are simple for children to understand and practice.

Cute Flower Drawing Ideas for Kids

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Draw A Dandelion

Cute Flower Drawing Ideas for Kids Draw A Dandelion

The sketch above is a realistic representation of a dandelion releasing its pappus, which is driven through the wind. The sight is so amazing and pleasurable when you blow the seed yourself and see the pappus flowing in the air. The sketch is short and monocolored. The kids might need some help in drawing the sketch. The first one is full of seeds and the second has released the seeds. In full bloom the flower is yellow. It eventually dries out in a day or two and recasts into this form. The greens of this flower are used in cooking and eaten in salads. They are an excellent source of vitamins and folate as well.

Draw A Morning Glory

Draw A Morning Glory

This flower is called “morning glory” because of the fact that its beautiful, fragile flowers unfurl in the morning. The flowers remain blooming only during the day and start fading out two hours before the sun dips into the air. The sketch here is plain and simple for children and they can draw it quickly. Some colors can also be applied to the flower to make it look more realistic, like green to its leaves and blue or yellow to the flower. Morning Glory grows very fast and is a source of nectar for bees, hummingbirds, and butterflies. Make your child draw this flower.

Draw A Lotus

Cute Flower Drawing Ideas for Kids Draw A Lotus

Lotus is a mesmerizing flower, and everybody might have seen a lotus. As drawn in the picture above, lotus blooms in marshy and swamp areas, it’s a big pink colored flower with lots of petals. A lotus flower is regarded in many different cultures, especially in the Indian subcontinent as a symbol of purity, self-regeneration, enlightenment, and rebirth. A lotus flower grows in mud far away from the sun. As it grows and gets taller, it gets the sunlight and becomes the most beautiful flower ever. Your kid will be enlightened after drawing and learning about the flower lotus.

Draw A Rose

Draw A Rose

A rose is a beautiful flower that blooms throughout the season. Roses are considered to be a flower to express passion. The Rose flower varies in size and color ranging from red, white, yellow, and pink. These are best known for ornamental plants, they are grown in gardens for their flowers, and sometimes indoors. They are known for their strong and unique scent. Rose perfumes are made through the flowers. Your kid will draw the sketch, this activity will provide an essence of joy and peace.

Draw A Red Spider Lily

Cute Flower Drawing Ideas for Kids Draw A Red Spider Lily

A stunning sketch of a red spider lily is drawn. Red spider lilies are bright summer flowers, they symbolize final goodbyes. The petals are slightly poisonous, but the bulb is very poisonous. These flowers are widely used in Japan in surrounding houses to keep mice and pests away. To draw this flower one needs to have control of their hand, as there are long petals that are curly and thin. Children will develop strong motor skills if they try to draw them. They will be able to draw a good one after practicing twice or thrice.

Draw A Ginkgo Leaf

Draw A Ginkgo Leaf

A Ginkgo is a unique leaf that is a fan in shape. There are two leaves drawn in the above picture. The sketch is not too hard and kids can draw it with ease. The leaves of the Ginkgo trees are green during summers, and turn yellow during springs. The spring one is represented through the above sketch. The Ginkgo tree is cultivated abundantly in Japan. The nuts of the tree are edible, and leaves have many benefits in medical usage also. The above craft is suitable for all age groups.

Draw A Wild Grass

Cute Flower Drawing Ideas for Kids Draw A Wild Grass

A wild grass can be of any type and it grows majorly in uncultivated lands or open fields. These are of generally no use, they grow very tall and can cover a whole field. The view of the fields covered with these types of wild grass is stunning and calm. The sketch over here is vivid and kids can draw with ease, they can provide any color to their sketches as it’s also given in the sketch. Overall, your kids are gonna enjoy drawing this art. 

That’s all! We talked about almost all varieties of flowers and plants and if you want to make an orchard, it’s possible only if he can draw all the flowers given above in the artbook. Then the art book can be shown in the class for rewards. We learned the benefits and usage of different flowers on different occasions. 

That’s not it, there are a lot more activities given on our website for kids. Please give them a visit too. Do comment below, and share your thoughts on these activities. 

Thank you!

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Kids Art & Craft
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