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Cute & Easy Drawings for Kids to Make


Cute & Easy Drawings for Kids to Make

Do you often wonder how to teach drawing to kids? Don’t worry, we are here with simple and cute ideas to draw a cute cat, angry puppy, simple rat, angry rabbit, stylish leaf, and love rose.

Cute & Easy Drawings for Kids to Make

Cute & Easy Drawings for Kids to Make

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Cute Cat

Cute & Easy Drawings for Kids to Make Cute Cat

We are going to draw a  cute cat. This drawing is an all-time favorite for every kid. Generally, kids love pets very much. In, this drawing is about the cat. How it’s looking. So every kid were shows a love to draw. Moreover, fewer colors were used. That only black and a little bit of drowning color are used for this drawing. All kids can draw this drawing very easily. While drawing this kids must have to use HB pencil only.

While drawing this we have followed some steps.

  1. First, we have to draw an outline of the cat. Using HB pencil.
  2. After completing the outline part. Then we have to draw the inside design part of the cat.

Angry Puppy

Cute & Easy Drawings for Kids to Make Angry Puppy

We are going to draw a  puppy with an angry face. This drawing is very much a Favorite by every kid and their parents also. Moreover, no colors were used for this drawing. Only black color is used. For kids, this drawing is very much too easy to draw. While drawing this we have to use HB pencil only. While drawing this kids have to follow some basic steps.

  1. First, we have started from the outline part. While using HB pencil we have to draw the dog outline part.
  2. After completing the outline drawing part. Then we moved to Montreal design on dogs.

Simple Rat

Cute & Easy Drawings for Kids to Make Simple Rat

We are going to draw a cut rat. For kids feel happy while drawing this. Generally, kids will draw this drawing in many places. So it is very much easy to draw this. Moreover, no colors were used for this drawing. Only black color is used. While drawing this kids have to use only an HB pencil only.

Before drawing this we have to follow some steps.

  1. First, we have to start drawing from the outline part.
  2. After completing the outline part. Then we have to draw the eyes and hands part. But we have to draw ears with perfection.

Angry Rabbit

Cute & Easy Drawings for Kids to Make Angry Rabbit

We are going to draw a rabbit with an angry face. Most rabbits are looking very much cute and smile. But this drawing shows that the rabbit looking very seriously. All kids showed love to draw this drawing. Moreover, fewer colors are used. Light blue and black, red colors are used for this drawing.

Before drawing this we have followed some steps.

  1. First, we have to start with the outline part. We have drawn the outline of the drawing using an HB pencil.
  2. After completing the outline part. Then we have to draw the ears part with perfection. At last, we have to add light blue to that ears.

Stylish Leaf

Cute & Easy Drawings for Kids to Make Stylish Leaf

We are going to draw a  beautiful leaf. It’s looking very stylish. Generally, kids show a little bit of interest to draw this drawing. Because most kids love to draw the big type of drawing. So there shows less interest in drawing this type. But while seeing this drawing. There change their decision. And there were shows of love to its drawn. Because it’s looking very neat and clean. moreover, no fewer colors were used for this drawing. Only black color is used. While drawing this kid we have to use HB pencil only. So kids this drawing is very much easy to draw. So every kid must have to put interested to draw this drawing.

Love Rose

Cute & Easy Drawings for Kids to Make Love Rose

All kids will fall in love with this drawing because this drawing is about drawing a beautiful rose. Generally roses are very much special in love. While given this rose anyone can express their feeling. All kids who were loved showed very much interest to draw this drawing. Moreover, the three colors are used to draw this drawing. There are black, green, and red, Colours are used. It is a very beautiful combination to see. For kids, this drawing is very easy to draw.

Before drawing this we have followed some steps.

  1. First, we have started from the stem of the rose.
  2. Then we have to draw rose shapes with perfection. At last, we have to add colors.

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