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Learn to Make Origami Paper Ninja Star Craft Tutorial

Learn to Make Origami Paper Ninja Star Craft Tutorial

DIY and Crafts

Learn to Make Origami Paper Ninja Star Craft Tutorial

This tutorial will show you how to make an origami paper ninja star quickly and easily. It provides clear instructions and images to help you make the star.

I’m sure every kid is fond of ninjas and the equipment they use for the fights and everything. The kids are especially fond of ninja stars that every ninja uses to block their enemy’s way and for many different reasons. So, today we are going to turn your fondness into reality. Let’s begin!

Learn to Make Origami Paper Ninja Star Craft Tutorial

 Learn to Make Origami Paper Ninja Star Craft Tutorial

Read More: DIY Heart Shape Cat Craft for Valentine’s Day

Materials Required

  • Craft paper (Different colours)
  • Your folding skills


Step 1: Take a Red Craft Paper

Take a Red Craft Paper- Figure out how to create an Origami Paper Ninja Star with this craft lesson.

The first step is to take a red coloured craft paper. Fold the red coloured craft paper diagonally from both sides. Then, open it and you will find two lines intersecting each other in the middle.

Step 2: Fold the Red Craft Paper From Bottom

Fold the Red Craft Paper From Bottom- Get yourself familiarized with the steps of producing an Origami Paper Ninja Star through this craft tutorial.

After making an intersecting line in the middle, make a very small fold in the red coloured craft paper from the bottom as shown.

Step 3: Make Another Fold From the Bottom

Make Another Fold From the Bottom- Acquire the skill of forming an Origami Paper Ninja Star using this craft tutorial.

Now, make another fold in the red coloured craft paper from the same bottom of the craft paper which you folded in the above step.

Step 4: Make Similar Folds on All Four Sides

Make Similar Folds on All Four Sides- Master the art of constructing an Origami Paper Ninja Star via this craft tutorial.

Keep repeating the same process of folding the red coloured craft paper as you did in above step. Make similar folds in all four sides of the red coloured craft paper as shown.

Step 5: Turn Your Red Craft Paper Upside Down

Turn Your Red Craft Paper Upside Down- Grasp the process of building an Origami Paper Ninja Star by means of this craft tutorial.

Now, turn your red coloured craft paper upside down in the same position. Make a fold from the bottom of the red coloured craft paper as shown.

Step 6: Make Similar Folds From All Four Sides of the Craft Paper

Make Similar Folds From All Four Sides of the Craft Paper- Discover the technique of fashioning an Origami Paper Ninja Star through this craft tutorial.

By repeating the same step as above, make the fold by turning the red coloured craft paper upside down. Then, make similar folds on all four sides of the red coloured craft paper.

Step 7: Make a Boat Type Shape by Folding Red Craft Paper

Make a Boat Type Shape by Folding Red Craft Paper- Grasp the ability of forming an Origami Paper Ninja Star with the help of this craft tutorial.

Now, this step might be a little tricky but just follow my lead and it can be perfected. You just have to fold red coloured craft paper and you have to fold the red coloured craft paper in such a way the two opposite sides of the craft paper are outwards and two other opposite sides are still in a triangle shape as shown in the picture depicting as boat type shape.

Step 8: Fold All the Four Sides Of the Craft Paper Inwards

Fold All the Four Sides Of the Craft Paper Inwards- Learn the knack of making an Origami Paper Ninja Star through this craft tutorial.

Now, carefully, fold all four sides of the red coloured craft paper inwards to make a star like shape as shown in the picture.

Step 9: Press All Four Sides of the Red Craft Paper

Press All Four Sides of the Red Craft Paper- Uncover the method of shaping an Origami Paper Ninja Star with the aid of this craft tutorial.

After folding the red coloured craft paper inwards, press all four sides of the red coloured craft paper to one another. For instance, press both left sides and right sides of the red coloured craft paper to one another. This step will turn your red coloured craft paper into heart shape.

Step 10: Repeat the Process With Different Craft Paper

Repeat the Process With Different Craft Paper- Pick up the skill of producing an Origami Paper Ninja Star using this craft tutorial.

Now, take a different coloured craft paper, for example yellow. Then, repeat all the steps to make a similar shape as red coloured craft paper.

Step 11: Insert Yellow Craft Paper Into Red Craft Paper

Insert Yellow Craft Paper Into Red Craft Paper- Get yourself familiarized with the steps of producing an Origami Paper Ninja Star through this craft tutorial.

After repeating the same process for yellow coloured craft paper, insert the yellow coloured craft paper into the red coloured craft paper as shown in the picture.

Step 12: Keep Repeating the Same Process From Different Colour Craft Paper

Keep Repeating the Same Process From Different Colour Craft Paper- Uncover the method of shaping an Origami Paper Ninja Star with the aid of this craft tutorial.

Keep repeating the same process of all the steps from different colored craft papers of your choice or your favorite colored craft paper to make a colorful ninja star.

Step 13: Join the End Craft Paper

Join the End Craft Paper- Grasp the process of building an Origami Paper Ninja Star by means of this craft tutorial.

After repeating the same process of all the steps from different coloured craft papers, insert the last coloured craft paper to join the whole ninja star as shown.

Your Craft Is Ready!!

Your Craft Is Ready- Learn the knack of making an Origami Paper Ninja Star through this craft tutorial.

Finally, your colorful ninja star is ready to stop all your enemies in their tracks. This craft might be a little difficult to make but in the end, the hard work and patience are all worth the wait. So, kudos to you and your hard work. But from this craft, your kid can definitely learn some folding techniques which is very important for everyone to learn.

So, what are you waiting for, go and make your ninja star today to turn yourself into a ninja and live your dreams of saving everyone in this world like a superhero. Enjoy!

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