Outdoor Games For Summer
Summers are soon approaching us Since now everything is becoming alright and we are soon coming to an end towards the covid-19. And so it’s now safe to kick the kids outside and play some rough games, staying at home, it created a vast impact on the kids which we know we have to slowly wash away because they have developed a habit of staying inside. At this age, they should be playing out and getting there hands dirty.
This will also result in the development of their body and mind. With the shutdown happening in the whole world amidst 2020, we all wandered and tried in processing of some good ideas for the get-togethers or parties. We had fewer options available to organize the same as so we all stepped out of our comfort zone and played a little party-planner attire.
Here are the 14 best outdoor games that you can play this summer with your kids:
Read More: DIY Games & Activities for Kids
Bean Bag Toss

Image Source/Tutorial: Modpodgerocks Blog
Description- As soon as the climate takes the chill off, be prepared to sprint outdoors, make sure to forfend all the ‘I am bored’ and I can’t go outside tantrums. After all the siting up that we have been doing for the past two years, it’s finally time to move outside and have some fun. And what better way then playing some games say bean bag toss. Yes, you heard it right, we will be creating this game with our bare hands and it will be super fun.
Giant Lawn Matching Game

Image Source/Tutorial: Studio Diy
We all have been preoccupied with matching games at some point in our childhood, and today I decided on recreating the same to cherish the unchanging experience for our kids. So, to build this some printable templates, pencil and some other craft materials as well and you’re good to go.
DIY Plinko Game
We love backyard party games right? It’s like a dream-come-true and many of us keep this as our child’s first birthday theme as well. So, giving you an insight here, if you haven’t planned on anything for your party yet, this could be your savior. It’s super easy and fun to build and requires a minimal ounce if time.
Water Ball Games

Image Source/Tutorial: Red Ted Art
Description- Basically, we all loved Holi because of water balloons, to fill them up and throw them on each other, playing with the same is all just too much fun. So keeping this beautiful memory in mind, I decide upon bringing an activity for you guys where we will be making a game out of this activity. It will hilarious to create this and paly with the same.
Read More: Games To Create For Kids with PVC Pipes
DIY Yard Craft Game

Image Source/Tutorial: The Pinning Mama
As the kids grow up and become younger, it’s more likely to make them part of a broader range of games and have fun. This, results in more hilarious moments. I had so much fun while creating this. You will only require a bunch of pattern paper, cardstocks, scissors, glue and that’s it you are good to go.
Lawn Twister

Image Source/Tutorial: Momma Told me Blog
This twister game has been our fun and comfort zone since we commute to the open-air. It’s been real tough to get kids outside of the house since we faced lockdown. So, keeping this in mind we created another activity where we will be playing lawn twister game and For this you will be only needing some green, yellow, blue, red cardboard and you’re good to go.
Angry Birds Game
Description- We all must have heard the fun game ‘angry birds’, I used to be obsessed with it since I was a kid and many of us still play it even as adults because it’s such a joyful game. After a great deal of pondering over, I jumped on the conclusion of making the same at our lawn. It will be super amazing and fun to watch and we will have a lot of fun while creating this.
Potato Sack Race Bags

Image Source/Tutorial: Design Improvised
Description- Ah, this activity is surely loved by everyone, we know and its super amazing. We all must have been in this game at some point in out childhood, the leisure of racing in these sack bags is just too much fun. Well, it was my favorite and so I thought of sharing this with all of you, it might be a good idea for your kids as well.
DIY Koob

Image Source/Tutorial: Lets-get-together
Midsummer fun is the best kind of amusement. I love the subtle art of heading out with the kids and enjoying outdoor games. Time stops for no one and soon all of our kids will be all grown up so, before that I want to wind up all the moments before their adulthood approaches. One such game, I came across that I found really great is ‘KOOB’, it’s fun and healthy and also changes the way you describe fun.
Read More: 20+ Simple Outdoor Activities for Kids
Human Ring Toss Game

Image Source/Tutorial: Kid Friendly Things To Do
Every now and then, our definition of ‘fun’ changes. We uncover the potential of many different things which help us in having fun and changes the meaning of the same, and that’s what is going to happen to you. We will be playing the famous ‘ring toss’ game and we will have super fun while doing this. For this you’ll only require three inflated pools rings for each team participating.
DIY Human Football

Image Source/Tutorial: Kid Friendly Things To Do
I have something quite unique and hilarious to share with you all. A while ago, I landed up on a video on social media where a family was playing human football and it was so fun to watch. My mind kept thinking about this and we decided on giving this a try. SO, THIS is an epic fun idea where we will all can relax and enjoy leisure time with friends and family.
Scavenger Hunt

Image Source/Tutorial: I Heart Crafty Things
Description- Summers are approaching us soon, and so I decided upon creating something extravagant that would make us spend some quality fun time with our kids. We are going to create a scavenger game and play it with our bare hands. It’s going to be super fun.
Activities To Perform With Cans

Image Source/Tutorial: A Girl And A Glue Gun
Description- So, today I have got a super fun activity or should I say activities for you where we will be recreating 5 different activities with the help of a can. Cans are so easy to find and can be used for almost anything, they can be molded into anything. Almost in every other house, we observe that it goes to waste and so, I kept on wondering that if we should move forward and try out these cool activities.
Read More: Outdoor Activities For Healthy Mental And Physical Development Of Kids
DIY Tetherball Set

Image Source/Tutorial: Old Salt Farm
We are on a pursuit to create something valuable and fun for our leisure time this summer, and so I gathered some ideas for doing the same, so here is the idea one where we will be creating a DIY tetherball set which is super easy to make and fun. It will also ignite countless memories with your child when they look back to this day in their 30s or 40s. It will make a nice story which they will be telling to their own kids.
The 14 activities listed above are just flawless, whether you perform this with smaller or larger group or set. So whether you are looking for outdoor games to do with your little family or a family party, I got you covered! Do let us know in the comment section which was your favorite activity and also visit our other posts as well.
Read More:
- Games To Create For Kids with PVC Pipes
- DIY Games & Activities for Kids
- Sidewalk Chalk Games Activities for Kids
- 20+ Simple Outdoor Activities for Kids
- Outdoor Activities For Healthy Mental And Physical Development Of Kids