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Paper Cup Bunny Eating Carrot Learning Craft Tutorial For Kids

Paper Cup Bunny Eating Carrot Learning Craft For Kids

Recycled Crafts

Paper Cup Bunny Eating Carrot Learning Craft Tutorial For Kids

Create a bunny craft which is a learning toy too! Make this craft to let your kiddos master counting skills with this step-by-step tutorial! 

Today, we have brought you a craft that is a learning toy too! Count on how many carrots your bunny eats! This step-by-step tutorial will guide you in making a pretty and even learning craft of a bunny eating carrots! This craft is perfect for the kiddos to master their counting skills! This craft is suitable for young children and even preschoolers! Kids will definitely love to play with it with learning too! The fun part is they themselves will engage in learning with this craft toy instead of those harmful screens and devices! Let’s begin to make it now!

DIY Paper Cup Bunny Eating Carrot

Paper Cup Bunny Eating Carrot Learning Craft For Kids

Read More: Recycled Paper Cup Fan Craft Tutorial For Kids

Materials Required

  • Paper Cup
  • Glue
  • Scissors And Cutter
  • Black Marker
  • Sketch Pens (Pink, Orange, And Green)
  • Wooden Stick
  • Resin Block


Step 1: Drawing A Bunny’s Face

Drawing A Bunny's Face- Crafting with children using a paper cup bunny and a carrot.

Begin this craft by taking a paper cup and a pencil. Flip the cup upside down and using the pencil, draw a rounded triangle nose in the middle of the cup, oval eyes above the nose on the sides, curved mouth beneath the nose attached to it. Also, make 3-3 stroked whiskers on each side of the nose for the bunny’s face.

Step 2: Overdrawing The Pencil With Marker

Overdrawing The Pencil With Marker- A paper cup bunny, consuming a carrot, is a fun craft project for kids.

Using a black marker, overdraw the pencil-drawn features.

Step 3: Pasting An Ear Of The Bunny And Coloring

Pasting An Ear Of The Bunny And Coloring- Youngsters can enjoy making a bunny out of a paper cup and giving it a carrot to eat.

From a white paper sheet, cut 2 ears of the bunny using scissors, and using the black marker outline them. Paste an ear of the bunny on the right side above the eye from the base of the cup using glue. Now, using a pink sketch pen, color the nose of the bunny and also color the ears from the middle along the shape of the ears.

Step 4: Pasting The Other Ear

Pasting The Other Ear- An enjoyable activity for children is to construct a paper cup bunny and feed it a carrot.

Paste the other ear of the bunny on the left side right beside the already pasted one using glue.

Step 5: Cutting Out A Smile Of The Bunny

Cutting Out A Smile Of The Bunny- A fun craft for children is to make a paper cup bunny that is eating a carrot.

Using the craft cutter, carve out a smile of the bunny beneath the drawn mouth as shown in the image.

Step 6: Making Holes And Inserting A Wooden Stick

Making Holes And Inserting A Wooden Stick- The delightful craft of a paper cup bunny eating a carrot is perfect for kids.

On the sides of the paper cup, insert a wooden stick by making holes in the cup from the sides of the face of the bunny behind the carved mouth.

Step 7: Making Carrots On A Paper Strip

Making Carrots On A Paper Strip- Paper cup bunny eating carrot - a great craft idea for children.

Cut out a thin strip from the green paper using scissors. Using a black marker, make identical carrots one by one over the strip a little tilted, at a certain distance. Now, using a green and orange sketch pen color the carrots as shown in the image.

Step 8: Sticking The Strip To The Wooden Stick

Sticking The Strip To The Wooden Stick- A paper cup bunny munching on a carrot is an enjoyable activity for kids.

From the bottom, insert the paper strip and using glue paste the end of the strip over the wooden stick.

Step 9: Taking The Strip Out From The Bunny’s Mouth

Taking The Strip Out From The Bunny's Mouth- Kids can make a paper cup bunny and watch it eat a carrot.

Pull the other end of the paper strip out of the paper cup from the carved-out smile of the mouth of the bunny.

Step 10: Taking A Resin Block

Taking A Resin Block- An exciting craft project for kids is to create a paper cup bunny eating a carrot.

For the next step, take a resin block.

Step 11: Sticking The Resin Block Over The Strip

Using glue, paste the resin block over the end of the paper strip from the back side.

This Is The Final Look Of Your Bunny Eating Carrots Learning Craft!

This Is The Final Look Of Your Bunny Eating Carrots Learning Craft!- Crafting a bunny from a paper cup and feeding it a carrot as a lesson for the children.

Whoa! You have finally made your learning toy of bunny-eating carrots! Roll the dice and make the rabbit eat the number of carrots which the dice shows!

Have a blast with your creation in learning and playing! With the help of this tutorial, you can even make your favorite animals eat their favorite fruit or vegetable! Get creative and innovative while making this craftwork! Count one by one how many carrots your bunny has eaten and how many are remaining! This craft will give a whole lot of counting, addition, and subtraction exercise for your little one to master right from a young age! Not made yet? What are you waiting for? Grab the benefit and create now!

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