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Rocking Paper Penguin Toy Using Bottle Cap And Clay

Rocking Paper Penguin Toy Using Bottle Cap And Clay

Clay Crafts

Rocking Paper Penguin Toy Using Bottle Cap And Clay

This is a Rocking Paper Penguin Toy Using Bottle Cap and Clay Easy Tutorial. Follow the given steps and make this cute and adorable penguin in no time.

It is a Rocking Paper Penguin Toy Using Bottle Cap and Clay, step – by – step tutorial for kids. It is apt for kids of age 4 and above. These cute little penguins are easy to make. They are swamped with creativity and will enable the kids to develop their craft skills. This craft idea is very unique as it is not just a penguin but a rocking penguin, made out of bottle caps and clay. The list of materials is listed below. So, in your free time, why sit idle when you can actually do something fun and c’mon, who doesn’t love penguins? These squishy little creatures are adorable. Let us get started.

Easy Rocking Paper Penguin Toy

Rocking Paper Penguin Toy Using Bottle Cap And Clay

Read More: Easy Paper Spinning Top Toy Craft for Kids Avatar

Materials Required

  • Orange, Red, Yellow, Black & White Craft paper
  • A pair of Scissors
  • Glue
  • Black Pen
  • A bottle cap
  • Clay
  • Pencil and eraser


Step 1: Holding A Piece Of Clay And A Plastic Bottle Cap

Holding A Piece Of Clay And A Plastic Bottle Cap- Crafting a Rocking Paper Penguin Toy with Bottle Cap and Clay

Take a bottle cap of plastic and a piece of clay, neither too big nor too tiny.

Step 2: Placing And Compressing The Clay Partially In The Bottle Cap

Placing And Compressing The Clay Partially In The Bottle Cap- Making a Paper Penguin Toy that Rocks Using Bottle Cap and Clay

Now, place the clay inside the bottle cap, in such a way that it fills a little more than half of the space of the bottle cap. Compress the clay enough that it does not come out of the cap and at the same time, there is enough space, as mentioned above, left inside the cap.

Step 3: With The Help Of The Bottle Cap, Draw A Circle

With The Help Of The Bottle Cap, Draw A Circle- Crafting a Rocking Paper Penguin Toy with Bottle Cap and Clay Materials

Place a white sheet of paper in front of you. Position the bottle cap on the paper and draw an outline using a pencil. Now you have a circle on your paper.

Step 4: Below That Circle, Draw Another Circle But Not Completely

Below That Circle, Draw Another Circle But Not Completely- Fabricating a Paper Penguin Toy that Rocks from Bottle Cap and Clay

Keep the bottle cap a little below the circle, in a way that the circles will overlap. Draw the outline of the cap. This time, you do not get an entire circle, a little part of the first circle overlaps on this one.

Step 5: Making Arms Of The Penguin Now

Making Arms Of The Penguin Now- Constructing a Rocking Paper Penguin Toy Out of Bottle Cap and Clay

Now, using a pencil, draw the arms of the penguin as shown above, on both sides.

Step 6: Cutting The Outline, You Must Now Have Two Identical Penguins

Cutting The Outline, You Must Now Have Two Identical Penguins- Creating a Paper Penguin Toy That Rocks with Bottle Cap and Clay

Keep another layer of the same white sheet or fold the same one in a way that they are in layers. Now cut through the outline of the drawing and you will get two identical penguins as a result.

Step 7: Starting Coloring The Penguins Using A Black Pen

Starting Coloring The Penguins Using A Black Pen- Utilizing Bottle Cap and Clay to Construct a Rocking Paper Penguin Toy

Start coloring the penguins using a black pen with the help of the reference image attached above. You can also make an outline using a pencil, before coloring to make sure you get it done right.

Step 8: Cutting Out The Eyes And Nose And Paste Them

Cutting Out The Eyes And Nose And Paste Them- Crafting a Rocking Paper Penguin Toy Employing Bottle Cap and Clay

Now, make eyes from black paper and small circles from white paper place and paste them as shown in the above image. Make a triangular nose out of orange paper and paste it in between the eyes with the pointed side facing downwards.

Step 9: Pasting The Bottle Cap Behind The Body Of The Penguin

Pasting The Bottle Cap Behind The Body Of The Penguin- Constructing a Paper Penguin Toy that Rocks with Bottle Cap and Clay

Now, take the bottle cap again and stick it behind the body of the penguin. Keep it in mind to place the side of the clay downwards.

 Yay, We Did It! Here Are The Adorable Rocking Penguins

Yay, We Did It! Here Are The Adorable Rocking Penguins

Yay, We Did It! Here Are The Adorable Rocking Penguins- Creating a Rocking Paper Penguin Plaything with a Bottle Cap and Clay

So… I bet you enjoyed it. Mention down in the comment section how your penguins turned out or did you make an entire family of penguins already? This is just a beginning you can always blend in your own ideas to create something unique and awesome. Talking about ideas, check out the main website for more similar and distinct ideas, tutorials, and articles related to art and craft. You will find some real jewels in there. Also, share your suggestions and reviews in the comment section, we look forward to connecting with you.

We hope you enjoyed this and also learned something from it. Thank you for your time, visit again soon.

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