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Starfish Crafts & Activities for Kids

Starfish Crafts & Activities for Kids

DIY and Crafts

Starfish Crafts & Activities for Kids

Hey! Today we are going to make a starfish craft and you and your toddler are gonna love it. We are going to explore the various creative and extraordinary ways of crafting a starfish. I am sure that, after going through this article you and your kid would be satisfied and happy.

Starfish are aquatic creatures that are in a star shape; do you know the correct name of a starfish is Sea Star. It is inappropriate to call them starfish, as they do not have gills, scales, and fins like a fish. They live up to 35 years and they absorb oxygen through channels on their outer body. These are unique creatures, and there are around 2,000 species of Seastars known to date.

So, below are different ideas on starfish craft, get your pieces of equipment ready and start making a starfish.

Starfish Crafts & Activities for Kids

A Big SeaStar Craft

Image Source/Tutorial:artsymomma

Here is a simple handmade craft where you just have to cut a star size paper and fold it accordingly to make a 3-D star. After doing so, you can decorate it with glitters, sequins, and all to make it look attractive. The purpose behind the craft should be able to have fun and enjoyment while making crafts.

Patterned Starfish Craft

Image Source/Tutorial:ourkidthings

Above is a simple representation of a starfish with dot patterns. The patterns are made with the help of bubble wrap. The purpose here is to make craft fun and exciting activity for kids, which is colorful and simple to follow. Kids can make it with ease, first, you will have to cut a star from paper and then, apply color on bubble wrap of your choice, and print on the star you can use a combination of colors as well. After printing, you will obtain a colorful starfish.

Puffy Paint Starfish craft

Image Source/Tutorial: iheartcraftythings

Here is an interesting craft to try with your kids. The craft is about how can you make a starfish which looks fluffy and life-like. It is a fun activity for your kids, as it requires a lot of skills and creativity to make the craft. The craft requires materials like shaving cream and school glue which are mixed in equal parts, and adding color will make it colored, after preparing the paste apply it to the starfish and let it dry.

Paper Plate Starfish Craft

Image Source/Tutorialfisrtpalette

The purpose of a craft should be to optimize the material we are using and to make a craft as functional and purposeful as we can. The following craft will help you to utilize the old paper plates which are generally used rarely to make your craft. You just have to cut the starfish out of the plate after drawing it and paint and decorate it with suitable colors and decorative. Your kid will learn the importance of optimizing the materials and giving the maximum output.

Sand Paper Starfish Craft

Image Source/Tutorial: ifthesecheerioscouldtalk

A simple and fun craft is waiting for your toddler to try. Above is a craft that represents a sandpaper starfish. You just need some glue, sand glitters, and cardboards to make the craft. You can decorate the craft as per your suitability by adding eyes and a smile to the star. While making the craft you and your kid are gonna spend some messy time as well.

Crafting Starfish From salt dough

Image Source/Tutorial: littlebinsforlittlehands

For this craft, you will have to prepare a salt dough and shape it in a form of a star. Make holes with a fork. Add decoratives and glitter paint or glitter glue and your starfish is ready. Make your kids do it and you have a bunch of starfishes to make a colony. Have fun with your kid crafting.

StarFish Texture Craft

qerwiImage Source/Tutorial: fireflesandmudpies

A clean and textured craft of starfish is waiting here. The craft as you can see is simple and attractive. The textures which can be used are lego based sets, terrarium lids, window screens, baskets, walls, and various other templates that are right in your house. After selecting the templates invite your kids to color the starfish. It will be a fun exercise.

Cereals Starfish Craft

Image Source/Tutorial: pinterest

Your kids are gonna have a lot of fun while making this craft. You just need colored papers and cereals, yes cereals!. Isn’t that fun. Tiny-colored crunchy meals, you can decorate the starfish with them. Using different colored papers and colorful cereals of various shapes will make the craft more fun and interactive.

Motor Skills Development Craft

Image Source/Tutorial: keeptoddlerbusy

Here is a fine motor skill development activity for your toddler. It will enhance and boost your toddler’s controlling capabilities, and concentration. Make starfish cut out from paper, then draw faint lines on them and ask your kid to glue cereals or small beads to place along the lines. This can be a tiring exercise but will enhance your kid’s motor skills.

Decorate Starfish with buttons

Image Source/Tutorial: alittlepinchofperfect

Can’t find anything to decorate your starfish cut out, don’t worry you can use some old buttons, and decorate them. This activity will help your kid enhance their motor skills. It requires placing each button with your hands. It’s a fun activity and decorative too.

Color Full Starfish Craft

Image Source/Tutorial: buggyandbuddy

A colorful and bright starfish craft will be a fun experience for your kid. It will require a lot of work and detailing that your kid will have to do and it will enhance the concentration and skills of your child. Just cut out the starfish from paper and invite your kid into making the craft. More decoratives can be used to make the craft a success.

Smilie Starfish Craft

Image Source/Tutorial: sheknows

A cute craft for your toddler is given above. The requirements are craft foam, googly eyes, mini pom-poms, and your kid. The craft will boost your kid’s motor skills as the craft requires gluing everything with your hands. This activity is a fun and enjoyable activity and easy to carry out with little or no mess.

Stelline Pasta Starfish

Image Source/Tutorial: mykidcraft

A quick and easy-to-craft starfish is here. Requirements are just some stelline pasta for decorations. On a starfish, cut out, apply some glue and sprinkle the pasta from the top, and press gently. Don’t worry any extra pasta will fall off once the craft is picked up. If your kid will do the activity they will develop some fine motor skills. The craft can be used as a decorative piece.

Footprint A Starfish Activity

Image Source/Tutorial: easypeasyandfun

A fun and engaging activity for your kid where you will have to use their footprint to make a sea star. Paint your toddler’s foot with orange or yellow or red color, print the foot on the paper, rinse the foot and repeat the process five times to obtain five legs of a star. Now draw eyes and smile to the center. The craft is also an example of how to do things creatively.

Starfish Craft with Sand Print background

Image Source/Tutorial: gluedtomycraft

A starfish looks good stuck to the ocean bed or ocean rocks. Here you can craft your starfish with a sand print background by only using bubble wraps. Just make a paper starfish by using the above-given ideas and stick it on a blue background on which you have printed the bubble wrap. You can print the bubble wrap by painting it with brown color. Have fun while making it with your toddler.

Glittery Starfish

Image Source/Tutorial: mykidcraft

Looks complicated but it is very easy and simple. You don’t have to make a star just buy a polystyrene star, some glitter paint, googly eyes, sequins, and other sparkles. Now just decorate the starfish with the items and let your kid craft it, and he will develop some good motor skills.

Beaded Starfish

Image Source/Tutorial: kidspot

A beaded starfish is a simple animated version of the starfish we made earlier. It is made with the use of recycled cardboard, with googly eyes. Beads are used to glue them to the back of the starfish. It is an easy and fun activity to do with your toddler. You can make a lot of them with different colors and make a colony of starfish.

Glitter Starfish

Image Source/Tutorial: interest

Yet another simple starfish to make for your toddler. It’s a simple one that is made by applying glitter to the starfish cutout, and googly eyes to make it look animated. Let your kids make the craft and help them out in the activity. It’s a fun activity to try during “crafternoon”.

Water Color Starfish Activity

Image Source/Tutorial: rythmsofplay

Prepare a cool and colorful exaggerated piece of starfish craft on watercolor paper. Outline the starfish on the paper with acrylic paint and let your kid paint the starfish with their suitable colors. Guiding them through the activity will result in a bright painted starfish. Have fun while making the craft.

Mermaid Starfish Wand Activity

Image Source/Tutorial: momdoesreviews

Assign an exciting project to your kids on making the mermaid starfish wand. It can be made by making small starfish from paper and sticking them onto a stick. This craft can work as a decorative item and will prove to be a good theme for birthday parties. Let your kids make them and you just relax.

The purpose of the craft should not be only limited to decorative and showy purposes but also should be done as a practice to enhance creativity and imagination out of one’s limit. To use your skills and put them to the test while performing the above crafts and activities should be a priority.

The craft and activities provided above will help your kid a lot and you will spend a beautiful time with your toddler while trying them out. Our website provides many beautiful ideas on various topics for kids. Keep visiting the website for the best of the best content. Feedback helps us a lot to know about our audiences and to know where we can improve.

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