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Caterpillar Crafts & Activities for Kids

Kids Activities

Caterpillar Crafts & Activities for Kids

Kids are curious by nature, especially in their early days, when they want to learn and touch everything even if it is dangerous. But as a parent, it must be tough to look upon them every single time. So, how about we feed their curiosity with creativity? For the first step in creativity let’s start with their favorite bedtime book “The Very Hungry Caterpillar.” The classic book teaches the world of caterpillars and blooming, and it will be our inspiration for installing DIY crafting learning process.

With just simple art supplies we will be able to create DIY Caterpillar Crafts & Activities for Kids.

10 Fun & Easy Caterpillar Crafts & Activities For Kids To Try At Home

Easy To Make Egg Carton Caterpillar Craft For Kids

Easy To Make Egg Carton Caterpillar Craft For Kids

Image source/tutorial: Kids Art & Craft

This egg carton caterpillar craft is a fun and easy activity for kids to enjoy. It requires basic materials and only takes a few minutes to make. It’s sure to bring a smile to your child’s face and is something they can be proud of.

Adorable Heart-Shaped Caterpillar Craft For Kids

Adorable Heart-Shaped Caterpillar Craft For Kids

Image Source/Tutorial: Kids Art & Craft

This craft is perfect for kids to make and enjoy. It is a heart-shaped caterpillar craft that is both cute and easy to make. Kids will love using their imagination to create this fun craft.

Constructing a Straw Caterpillar Craft For Beginners

Constructing a Straw Caterpillar Craft For Beginners

Image Source/Tutorial: Kids Art & Craft

Constructing a Straw Caterpillar Craft For Beginners is a great way to get started with crafting. It’s a fun and easy craft project that kids can do with minimal supplies and time. All you need are a few straws, some paint, and a little bit of imagination!

Simple Paper Caterpillar Craft With Kids

Simple Paper Caterpillar Craft With Kids

Image Source/Tutorial: Kids Art & Craft

Making a paper caterpillar with kids is a fun and easy craft to do. It’s a great activity for a rainy day or any day! With just a few materials, the kids can create a colorful caterpillar in no time.

Cupcake Caterpillar Craft Perfect Start For Preschooler:

Image Source/Tutorial: In The Playroom

Our first DIY craft project will be an easy cupcake caterpillar craft that will be perfect for our little kindergarten kids. At the age of preschoolers, they are more than little to handle. And entertaining them is one of the biggest challenges as a parent. Introduce them to the DIY world of crafting. This craft is super simple and engaging that even the fussiest kids would not have any problem making them. And, what’s better than lure them with sweet cupcakes.

Supplies: colorful cupcakes wrapper/ cases, earbuds, popsicles sticks, googly eyes, gems, and a glue gun.

Suitable For:1.5-2 years

The Hungry Caterpillar Fruit Pizza Craft:

Image Source/Tutorial: A Little Pinch of Perfect

This second craft is for our fuzzy little eaters. Feeding fresh and healthy to our little ones is what most parents struggle with it. Don’t worry we got you covered. This DIY will not just help you to fill their tummies, it will also help your child to crave for more and want to participate in making different fruit pizza toppings.

Supplies: cookies, breadsticks, jam/ ketchup, and their favorite fruits as toppings.

Suitable For: 1.5-3 years

Easy Caterpillar Pom-Pom Craft Idea & Activities:

Image Source/Tutorial: Teaching Mama

This next easy DIY pom-pom caterpillar craft idea is perfect for an activity to engage your child, later they can play with it. It just needs a few supplies and your child make their own DIY caterpillar toy. Is it amazing a craft not only boosts a child’s creativity but helps them to learn new things about its works and hardship in making them?

Supplies: green and red pom-poms, googly eyes, popsicles sticks, and a glue gun.

Suitable For:2-5 years

Caterpillar To Butterfly Craft For The Curious Minds:

Image Source/Tutorial: SmART Class

Next, is something experimental. But, none the less very interesting. In this craft, we are going to hatch the caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly. Some may find what’s the use of it. Firstly, this will teach your children a great valuable lesson of life: growing. It also teaches them about nature what it has to offer and how it works. And thirdly, you would be able to recreate their bedtime storybook of “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” into real life.

Supplies: mason jar with a little hole in the lid, find a caterpillar in the garden/ visit local pet store, feed with leaves and vegetables, wait for 21 days to hatch into a butterfly, and release them.

Suitable For:1.5-5 years

The Very Hungry Caterpillar Finger-paint Actives For Early Years:

Image Source/Tutorial: Crafts by Courtney

Our very hungry caterpillar theme is our main focal point. In our next caterpillar craft, we are going to make a full colorful finger-paint caterpillar. It’s not just a single sad-looking single caterpillar. A whole blank canvas turned into a beautiful finger-paints illustration. Just like from the book. A much tribute to the character that your kid’s bedtime is a really fun routine.

Supplies: blank drawing sheet, different colors, and your child’s unlimited imagination

Suitable For: 1.5-5 years

Squirmy Hungry Caterpillar Paper Plate Craft:

Image Source/Tutorial: Glued To My Crafts

Next, is our super easy squirmy very hungry caterpillar craft made with paper plates. This craft activity will help to break your child’s monotonous day full of getting creativity and fun. It needs basic supplies like paper plates and colors. One can create a random craft with just a few household things and imagination.

Supplies: white paper plates; different colors sharpie markers, color stock paper, googly eyes, scissors, stapler, and a glue gun

Suitable For: 2-5 years

Caterpillar Memory Game Activity To Boost Mind Of The Little Ones:

Image Source/Tutorial: laydough to Plato

Lets’ challenge your children’s brains with this caterpillar puzzle game craft. This craft sure going help to develop their whole brain function. According to science, the puzzle helps to build concentration, attention, sportsmanship, and memory. At an early age, it’s the best time to develop their brain motor skill. Additionally, it can be enjoyed by both parents and children and can have a fun night while solving the puzzle.

Supplies: 2 copies of hungry caterpillar memory game on cardstock, shuffle and play

Suitable For: 2-5 years

Caterpillar Easy Craft Sponge Painting Templates:

Image Source/Tutorial: Buggy and Buddy

Here is another inspiration from “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” book. We are going to make our caterpillar illustration but with a twist. This easy caterpillar craft will be made with sponges by using different colors and save the painting as templates as fridge art, or some decorative piece to show to your friends and family.

Supplies: white painting paper, different colors, sponges, black pipe cleaner, googly eyes, scissors, and a glue gun

Suitable For: 2-5 years

Hungry Caterpillar Craft Puzzle To Solve:

Image Source/Tutorial: Parenting Chaos

One of the great things about DIY crafts involves your child’s creativity and presence of mind, it also ensures they are entertaining and fun activities to engage in. With this second hungry caterpillar craft DIY puzzle, we can create something purposeful with just random objects. These puzzles are great for teaching purposes and perfect for fun-type crafting.

Supplies: cereal box/ cardboard, caterpillar drawing, sharpie, scissors, and a glue gun

Suitable for: 2-5 years

The Very Hungry Caterpillar DIY Theme Birthday Party:

Image Source/Tutorial: Pick Any Two

Lastly, we are going to turn your child’s favorite book into their birthday theme party. Birthdays are special and you want your child to have the most amazing birthday party ever, and his favorite book happens to be “The Very Hungry Caterpillar.” Let’s incorporate both and give his caterpillar theme a birthday party.

Supplies: green and red Chinese lantern, green stock paper, black pipe cleaner, and glue stick

Suitable For: 1.5-5 years

Through this whole post, we were able to learn different ways to incorporate the caterpillars or the very hungry caterpillar book. The are many countless ways to make caterpillar crafts and activities for the kids, it just needs little imagination and creativity.

If you liked our fun caterpillar craft and activity for kids, then e sure to check our other posts, and leave a comment below.

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