Learn to Make Animal Drawings
Drawing not only improves the creative thinking of kids, but it also has other benefits. We all know that kids love to draw. But do you know that drawing develops many skills in the kids as well? Kids became more expressive and imaginative with artwork like drawings. So, let’s make some animal drawings.
Simple Animal Drawings for Kids
1. Rat
Have you ever seen a rat? Of course, one might have seen it. Rat is a very common household animal and lives in streets, drains, or even our kitchen shelves. Remember the cartoon Tom & jerry in which jerry was a rat and he lived in a hole in the house. Rats are very naughty animals but they look cute just like in this drawing. Your kid can make this easy rat drawing which will be less time-consuming.
2. Green Parrot Pair
This pair of green parrots are looking pretty together sitting quietly on a branch. Parrots are of green color and have a cherry red beak with a black band around their neck area. Parrots love to eat chili and they can even talk like humans. They are found everywhere. Your little toddler might have seen one too flying high in the sky or sitting on a tree branch. Give this green parrot pair drawing to your little ones as it is very simple and beautiful.
3. Monkey
Monkeys are no less than your toddlers. Equally naughty, energetic, full of life, hopping here and there, there’s a lot common in baby monkeys and our toddlers. This simple drawing of a monkey will be very easy to draw by your kid and it will make him productive even it is for a while. This silently sitting monkey looks nice. Colors can be added to the drawing for more attractiveness.
4. Frog
This little frog reminds me of the fairytale of the princess and the frog. You all have heard it too. This frog looks just like the tale frog. It is very easy to draw and your toddlers will make it within no time. Draw the body of the frog and the legal in the shape of tridents and your little easy frog is ready. Frogs are of green color so fill the color in the frog drawing.
5. Cute Puppy Dog
Dogs are the favorite pets of humans. The reason is the love, sacrifice, and loyalty that resides in a dog. Most of us have dogs at home and in the human absence, dogs take care of the kids which shows the sensible side of these cute creatures. They have a great smell receptor and can even sense danger beforehand. This easy dog drawing is easy and will be loved by your kindergartener and toddler. Super easy and super cute.
6. Cow
Moo! says the cow. The milk giving the animal and the most sacred of all is none other than a cow. The most common way by which a kid knows about the cow is that it provides us with milk and other dairy products.
Cows are of different colors. Some are white in color, some brown, some black. The cow in the drawing is a spotted one and is very easy to make so wait for no more and get your toddler started with a new amazing cow animal drawing.
7. Little Cat
Meow! Meow! Here comes the other cat. This cute and super easy cat is a good animal theme for your kid’s drawing class. It can be drawn in the drawing classrooms or at home. The procedure of drawing this simple innocent cat is less time-consuming. Draw a cat, add ears and cute facial features, ears, and a long tail. Add a ribbon bow near the neck area to give a cute look to the cat.
8. Butterfly
Go out in the garden or park and look at the amazing colorful butterflies flying around. They look so beautiful and are soul lifters. Butterflies are very colorful and look pretty, children often run behind them for miles but can’t catch butterflies. Well, they can at least learn to draw a simple beautiful butterfly because it is very easy to make and takes no time. Kids can add colorful colors to this beautiful butterfly drawing.
9. Smart Bear
A well-dressed-up teddy bear. How cute it looks. The teddy bear is the favorite soft toy animal of kids and resembles a bear. It looks like a gentleman in a neat dress. This teddy bear drawing is amazing and your kid must draw it because this is a perfect example of a beautiful easy drawing. Add colors according to your own creativity for making the drawing more attractive.
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