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Preschool Robot Crafts & Activities

DIY and Crafts

Preschool Robot Crafts & Activities

Art and craft are some of the most brilliant activities in which you can engage your child as a toddler or even a grown-up. Dabbling in these activities can be very beneficial for any child’s development. Many of us being from a science background want our kids to take interest in the same and this proves to be a great way. Making them learn via art & craft can be fun and children would also take an initiative and learn. So, keeping that in mind we thought of combining art and craft with some science. And that is why we have researched some robots crafts which will help your child’s imagination to grow.

These are super-easy and fun to build and can be built with a minimal amount of materials. The materials required for the same are very easily available and not expensive at all. You can find them almost everywhere even on amazon, Flipkart, etc.

Printed Robot Craft

preschool-robot-crafts-and-activities Printed Robot Craft

Image Source/Tutorial: School Time Snippets

Ever thought and wanted to be artsy along with applying some science? Well, today we have brought to you an amazing activity where you can create your own robot and that too with minimal materials. This activity will make our kids learn about them and also spark some interest in the field of science.

Suitable age group: 9-14 years

Supplies you need:

  • Legos
  • paint
  • foil


  • Start by laying out a bunch of legos and big chunks of paint onto them.
  • Next, start stamping the legos onto the paint and then on the foil.
  • You can easily separate and discuss what pieces to use on the neck, eyes, arms, and legs.
  • Let it dry for some time.
  • Finish it off by gluing all the parts together.

Robot Themed Maths Activity

preschool-robot-crafts-and-activities Robot Themed Maths Activity

Image Source/Tutorial: A Little Pinch of Perfect

Almost every other child hates maths and often finds a way to avoid practicing the same but we have a fun game for you where you can make your child learn about some maths tricks and it will be super fun to play.

Suitable age group: 9-14 years

Supplies you need:

  • Robot maths printable template
  • Dice
  • markers
  • Screws
  • Bolts


  • Start by downloading and printing the robot template from the internet.
  • Next, with the help of the dice, roll a number and place that count of tools on the left side in blue boxes.
  • Again roll the dice and place the number of tools on the right side in red boxes.
  • Now to start with the games, start by rolling the dice and mark the appearing number on the blue side with a clear marker and place the same number of tools on the robot.
  • Roll the dice again and repeat the same thing on the red side as well.
  • Now ask your child to count the tools that are on the robots and have them state the math sentence such as “one plus two equals to five.” and that’s it you’re done.

Robot Art

preschool-robot-crafts-and-activities Robot Art

Image Source/Tutorial: Pink Stripey Socks

We often want our kids to engage in science but also want them to do other activities as well. Why don’t we combine both of them? We have brought a painting craft for you where you will be painting a robot and learning about them also. Here’s how:

Suitable age group: 9-14 years

Supplies you need:

  • Cereal box
  • foil
  • black marker
  • scissors
  • paint colors


  • Start by preparing the canvas for your art by cutting a cereal box and covering it up with foil paper.
  • Then make your child draw his/her own robot with the help of a black marker.
  • Now to finish it up, use some paint colors to decorate various features of your robot with colors: hands, face, feet, body.
  • Leave it to dry for some time.

Recycled Robots

preschool-robot-crafts-and-activities Recycled Robots

Image Source/Tutorial: Artsy Momma

Building robots is very important as it can help children to boost their self-confidence and self-esteem. When a child learns that they have a great ability to create a machine that can control the world, they will be highly motivated and do great things.

Suitable age group: 9-14 years

Supplies you need:

  • cardboard tubes, cereal boxes, empty snack containers, etc.
  • Scissors
  • hole puncher
  • glue
  • duct tape
  • tin foil
  • pipe cleaners
  • pom poms
  • stickers
  • glitter glue pens
  • markers
  • construction paper
  • sequins
  • buttons
  • jewel/gems
  • googly eyes


  • Start by gathering all the supplies for this activity then suppose for the body of the robot we are using an empty snack container and cover it up with foil paper.
  • Next, we move to the head of the robot where you again cover it up with foil paper and attach it to the body via glue or tape, we used tape to secure the same.
  • Now, as for the arms and legs of the robot we will be using pipe cleaners and for the legs, we will be using an empty container’s lid.
  • For the arms, cut a pipe cleaner into half and twist it in a spiral pattern multiple times and attach it to the body of the robot with a help of hot glue.
  • For the legs, take the lid and paste it at the base of the robot.
  • Glue the googly eyes on the head of the robot.
  • Finish it off by decorating the robot with stickers and glitters.

Junk Art Robot

preschool-robot-crafts-and-activities Junk Art Robot

Image Source/Tutorial: Hands On As We Grow

Robots are super- fun to create and play with them as well. Creating them in the real world be it with a pile of junk only can boost your child’s confidence. When they use their fingers to manipulate the materials and create something of their own, they are developing their motor skills.

Suitable age group: 9-14 years

Supplies you need:

  • 1 paper plate
  • 3 popsicle sticks
  • 4 TP roll tubes
  • 2 Lolly Boxes
  • 1 egg carton
  • 9 plastic bottle tops
  • 1 sheet of tin foil
  • 1 sheet of bubble wrap


  • Start by painting all of the supplies with grey paint and leave them to dry for some time.
  • Then lay down all the materials or say parts of the robot on a plane surface.
  • Now, take an egg box and with the help of double-sided tape fix the bottle tops onto the robot’s body.
  • With the help of the hot glue, paste tp roll arms onto the robot’s body and for the fingers, you can use a pen’s spring.
  • Now in the same manner as arms, glue the legs of the robot at the base.
  • Finishing it up with the head where we are using tape to secure 3 popsicle sticks at the back of the paper plate.
  • Add some bottle tops for the eyes and nose of the robots and you are good to go.

Robot Chandelier

Robot Chandelier

Image Source/Tutorial: Buggy & Buddy

Kids love chandeliers and play with them all the time in the house! So we thought of creating their own chandelier and that too with a robot theme and hanging it on a wall. With this, they can play with it all the time and it will be super- fun. To make the robot chandelier follow the below-mentioned steps:

Suitable age group: 9-14 years

Supplies you need:

  • Markers
  • crayons
  • colored pencils
  • Scissors
  • Tape
  • Drinking straw
  • yarn
  • two pony beads
  • white cardstock
  • Free printable robot template


  • Start by downloading and printing the robot template onto white cardstock.
  • Now, color your robot with markers and crayons.
  • Cut out your robot.
  • Cut two 1.5 inch pieces of straw and paste them at the back of your robot.
  • Take a piece of yarn about 4 feet long and insert both the ends through the straw so that you can form a giant loop above the head of the robot.
  • Tie a pony bead at the end of each straw so that it doesn’t come out of the yarn.
  • Now, hang your robot onto any doorknob or wall in your house.

Recycled Robot

Recycled Robot

Image Source/Tutorial: Hodge Podge Craft

Description- We often through the waste items or empty cans in the dustbin and they leave them around but today we have brought to you an amazing activity of robot crafts where we will be using all the junk materials and recycling them into creating a robot which will guard your house. Here’s how:

Suitable age group: 9-14 years

Supplies you need:

  • Cardboard boxes of varying sizes
  • Toilet/kitchen paper rolls
  • String
  • Plastic bottle tops
  • Scissors
  • A sharp pencil
  • Glue/glue gun
  • Sticky tape
  • Paint/pens
  • Pipe cleaners (optional)
  • Pom poms (optional)
  • Foam shapes/stickers


  • Collect all the materials from the junk and lay them out on a plane surface.
  • Choose a larger box for the body of the robot and a smaller one for the head of the robot.
  • Take a pipe cleaner and twist it in order to make antennae.
  • Poke two holes in the head of the robot and tape them inside.
  • Draw and paint the robot’s face.
  • Do some cuttings and make the hand and feet of the robot from the cardboard.
  • Use strings to connect the arms and feet of the robot.
  • Punch a hole in the larger box with a pencil to put the string and connect together inside.
  • Now connect the robot’s head by adding more strings.
  • Now end with pasting a lot of bottle tops and foam or paper onto the robot’s body.
  • Paste the bottle tops on the side as well this will represent its ears.
  • Put him in the chair as your robot is ready and chill with him!

Tiny Robot Dancers

Tiny Robot Dancers

Image Source/Tutorial: BabbleDabbleDo

We all know robots can do whatever we ask them to do and keeping that in mind, today we are going to create a robot dancer, which will dance when you ask them to and wear a little skirt to give you the feels. Follow the below-mentioned steps to create a robot dancer:

Suitable age group: 9-14 years

Supplies you need:

  • Copper wire
  • AA battery
  • pliers/wire cutters
  • template
  • Crepe paper
  • hot glue


  • Start with cutting a long piece of wire and bend it as shown in the picture above using pliers.
  • Next, wrap the end of the wire around the battery, and then once it forms a shape, remove the battery and widen the circle formed with your fingers.
  • Place three magnets on the negative terminal of your battery.
  • Secure the motor on top of the battery so that it touches the positive.
  • let it go, if you have constructed it properly, it should start spinning and if not then try again and fix some tips below.
  • In order to make a skirt for your dancer cut a small circle from a crepe paper and then cut a slit in the center of the circle.
  • Slip it up onto the dancer and secure it with hot glue and your tiny robot dancer is ready.

I know parents always want their kids to engage or take an interest in the field of science but I think it’s our responsibility as an adult to give them exposure to every field in their initial stages so they can identify their interests. I hope with this article you have found some great activities for robot crafts where your kids can learn and have fun at the same time. So, gear up and put your hands into use and build some robots! Also, do let us know in the comment section which craft was your kid’s favorite, and do visit our website for future posts.

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Kids Art & Craft
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