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Washing Your Hand Sequencing Activity – Free Flashcards For Kindergarten

May Coloring Pages For Kids – Free Printables


Washing Your Hand Sequencing Activity – Free Flashcards For Kindergarten

Washing your hands is one of the most immeasurable measures to guard yourself and your loved ones from getting infected. These days the COVID virus is spreading rapidly and people should sanitize their hands at all costs. Washing your hands regularly can keep you well and limit the expanse of infectious diseases into one another.

While this might sound repugnant, deep inside our hearts we are all thankful to the pandemic for instilling good habits into us. Call it being ‘hygiene freak or simply aware of the consequences of COVID-19, but the world had not seen us using handwashes and sanitizers so diligently before.

In this edition, we have brought flashcard sheets relating to “HAND WASHING SEQUENCE“. Keeping in mind that the threat of viral and bacterial diseases will continue to be a lurking predator to our immune system even after the pandemic ends, it is important to not let these healthy practices slip
away. So keep washing your hands, get vaccinated, and wear a mask.

Washing Your Hand Sequencing Activity

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The sheet below describes the steps to wash your hands. Here’s how-

  1. Clean your hand with running tap water, then turn off the tap.
  2. Use Soap or a Cleanser and rub your hands well for at least 30 seconds.
  3. Rub your hands together properly covering your fingers and wrists.
  4. Wash your hands with water, turn off the tap.

Washing Your Hand Sequencing Activity- 1

Washing Your Hand Sequencing Activity

If you feel it’s tough for you to wash your hands every time, sing to yourself while performing the activity, meditate, prepare a habit, to wash your hands every hour. There is literally no end to the little
activities that you can do to keep your mind in order and at harmony. Washing hands with soap and water is the best way to get relief of bacteria and germs in every case possible.

Washing Your Hand Sequencing Activity- 2

Washing Your Hand Sequencing Activity

It is beautiful how some of us have accepted more robust options and welcomed a more sustainable lifestyle. Such an attitude towards lifestyle should be encouraged and carried forward no matter how abnormal or disastrous the situation gets around us.

Washing hands with soap and water will kill extensively more infectious diseases than washing hands with just water. Ordinarily, it is better to use liquid Handwash soap than a block of normal soap. Nonetheless, a block of soap is better having no soap at all

Therefore, we all should take a stand against the virus and the germs by washing our hands regularly and help our surroundings as well. Download these sheets now.

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