Allium Flower Painting Using Sketch Pen Tutorial
Make an allium flower painting! Make this painting using sketch pens and some creativity, with the help of this step-by-step tutorial!
Welcome to this amazing article on creating pretty allium flowers! Have you ever seen an allium flower?! It is basically a flower of tiny flowers, it looks like a bulb or a pom pom! They can be as big as a toddler even! So today, we brought you this step-by-step tutorial for making a painting inspired by these flowers! You will definitely love the creation and with just some simple steps and materials you will be able to make this painting in no time! This painting is also quite special as it is not made from sketch pens instead of paint colors!
DIY Allium Flower Painting For Kids
Read More: Easy Flower Stump Painting Art Tutorial for Kids
Materials Required
- White Circular Paper Sheet
- Rounded Paintbrush
- Sketch Pens (Pink, Blue, Yellow, Green, And Brown)
Step 1: Creating Blue Allium
To begin this painting, take a white circular paper sheet as the base of your artwork and a blue sketch pen. Using the blue sketch pen, draw small crosses in a circle to make a blue allium in the center of the base.
Step 2: Creating Pink And Orange Alliums
Using the pink and orange sketch pen make the alliums the same way you made blue. Make these at the sides of the base and half as shown in the image.
Step 3: Painting The Flowers With Water
Dip a rounded paintbrush into water and paint it over allium’s crosses to scatter the color a little and give a blurry effect. Make sure to drain the excess water from the paintbrush.
Step 4: Making Leaves
Using a green sketch pen, draw leaves from the flowers randomly over the white base.
Step 5: Painting The Leaves With Water
Follow the same to paint the leaves with water as you did for the alliums using the paintbrush.
Step 6: Making Branches
Beneath the flowers from the lower side, make branches of the flowers using a brown sketch pen.
This Is The Final Look Of Your Alliums Drawing Painting!
Congratulations! You have finally succeeded to make this allium painting drawing! Let your artwork dry to get outstanding results!
You can take a minute to admire your creation and can even display it on your room’s wall to see it daily! This artwork can be a perfect fit for your school art project or even for homeschooling! Art is a way to let out the creativity from the young ones and even work as a sensory activity to drive those motor skills! Show off your creation to your friends and family and let them be proud of your art skills and innovation!
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