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DIY Math Crafts and Activities for Kids

DIY Math Crafts and Activities for Kids

Kids Activities

DIY Math Crafts and Activities for Kids

Mathematics is a subject which is hated by most of the students. But it is very necessary to learn math as it is the basis of our higher education. Without math, we can’t learn anything in numeric form. So it is a very important subject. Sometimes it is difficult for teachers to taught kids math because kids found it a boring subject.

But as always we brought some amazing math DIYs to make learning fun and interesting. These DIYs will help teachers in many ways to teach numbers, addition and subtraction i.e. basic mathematics. This will also enhance students’ creativity and math in an interesting way. So here we present these activities.

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DIY Maths Craft & Activities

DIY Math Crafts & Activities for Kids

Number Glasses And Straws

DIY Math Crafts & Activities for Kids NUMBER GLASSES AND STRAWS

These are some glasses made by cardboard have number on it. Each glass has a straw which has colorful dots on it according to the number of glass-like on glass number 1 straw there is 1 dot, on glass number 2 there are 2 dots etc. Such arts are best suitable for pre-primary kids as they can learn number and count through these glasses and straws.

Number Pots

DIY Math Crafts & Activities for Kids NUMBER POTS

This activity is looking very good and knowledgeable for kids. These are flower pots which have a number on it. In these pots, there are various miniature things like a butterfly, sun, flowers whose quantity is equal to the numbers written on it. So if kids count these miniatures then they can learn counting and numbers easily.

A Hand Chart

DIY Math Crafts & Activities for Kids A HAND CHART

Since hands are the best method to learn math. So here we make a chart showing that how can we use our hands to learn counting. Such arts will help kids a lot in learning. Always motivate kids to do such activities to enhance their knowledge.

Addition Piggy Bank

DIY Math Crafts & Activities for Kids ADDITION PIGGY BANK

This is a piggy bank which will help us to do addition. It has two glasses on its top. Now put 2 coins in first glass and 1 coin in second glass. Now those coins will collect at last and we have to count the amount of total coins and we will get the result of our addition. Such innovative arts increase kids curiosity to learn more.

Matching Apples

DIY Math Crafts & Activities for Kids MATCHING APPLES

This is the most fascinating activity which everyone loves is matching. So matching the numbers with the seeds of the apple of the same quantity as of given number will increase their pace of learning. Such activities are very easy to make but work very effectively on kids.

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Clothes Pin Loop

DIY Math Crafts & Activities for Kids CLOTHES PIN LOOP

We can play a number loop game with kids. On a loop write some sums for the calculations i.e. addition or subtraction. Then ask kids to solve the sum and find its clothespin and put it on the loop of the respective sum within the stipulated time. This will help kids to increase their speed of solving sums.

Complements To 10

DIY Math Crafts & Activities for Kids COMPLEMENTS TO 10

Now such arts will help kids to learn about the complements of number like given in the above picture. For example- 0 to 10, 1 to 9 etc. This will make their learning effective and fast. We should always encourage kids to do such activities.

Learning On Hands

DIY Math Crafts & Activities for Kids

Hands are the best method to learn to count. Since we can use any object to learn math but it is not necessary that it will available every time. But hands are available all the time for sure. So it is the basic and best method to teach math through fingers as given in the above picture. These creative activities and ideas will help kids a lot to learn math easily.

Ice Cream Stick Chart

DIY Math Crafts & Activities for Kids

This is a fun trick to make numbers learning easy. Since everyone loves ice-cream so make an ice-cream stick chart. On a chart make 10 pockets and allot them any number, then ask kids to put ice cream sticks in the same quantity written on the pocket which will help them in counting.

Rolling Dice Race


Everyone loves playing dice games. So here we present a dice fun race which is pretty knowledgeable also. A kid will roll the dice and get a number. Then he will stand after leaving the boxes of the respective number. The one who will reach first at the end will be the winner. This makes math real fun.

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Creature Number Chart


A number chart again but this is a little different from everyone else. A creature is holding a chart with his devil hands containing the number on it. They can paste this chart in their rooms and classroom, it will look good on the wall. And if kids see them regularly then it will help them to memorize number easily.

Number Train


As kids love trains and cartoons very much. So to make learning a little easier and engaging, we can use cartoons in their activities. So here is train and its carts containing numbers on it. The number of cartoons is equal to the number written on the cart. This will help them to learn counting and numbers. Such arts are easy to make and looks very appealing.

Learn Addition With Fun


So it is a little difficult to teach addition or subtraction, but here we present an activity which can make it easy for kids. The addition means adding or joining numbers together to get their collective result. So if we give them any object of the same amount of the given numbers and then tell them to count all the objects to get the addition of given numbers will make addition little easier for them.

Mathematical Wall Decoration


We can make such mathematical wall decorations to make the class walls more beautiful and give them a colorful look. This decoration is showing hand gestures teaching the numbers to kids. The numbers are written on the colorful papers which are making it more attractive. Best suitable for pre-primary kids.

So let’s summarize what we have learned till now. Basically, make your study fun to learn it easily and memorize it. Don’t take your studies as a burden it will make things really difficult for us. These activities will help kids to make their learning pace faster. Also, it will make teaching a little easier for the teachers as with with help of practical examples they can make their teaching more effective.

Always keep your inner artist alive and keep crafting.

Hope you all will like the article. Please give your reviews and comments.

FAQ’s on DIY Math Crafts and Activities for Kids

1. What types of math crafts and activities can I do at home with my kids?

There are a variety of math crafts and activities you can do with your kids at home. Ideas include creating shapes with pipe cleaners, using chalk to make math equations on the driveway or sidewalk, making patterns with popsicle sticks, doing math scavenger hunts around the house, creating grids with tape to make a graph, and making a number line out of paper.

2. What supplies do I need for math crafts and activities?

You can use a variety of supplies for math crafts and activities. Some ideas include paper, pencils, markers, crayons, tape, pipe cleaners, string, yarn, scissors, popsicle sticks, and chalk.

3. How can I use math crafts and activities to teach my kids?

Math crafts and activities are a great way to teach your kids in a fun and interactive way. You can use them to help your kids practice their math skills, such as counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. You can also use them to teach other math concepts such as measurement, geometry, patterns, fractions, and more.

4. What are some fun math crafts and activities for kids?

There are many fun math crafts and activities for kids. Ideas include making a number line out of paper, creating a graph with tape, making a multiplication table with popsicle sticks, doing a math scavenger hunt around the house, and making a shape with pipe cleaners.

5. What are some easy math crafts and activities for kids?

There are many easy math crafts and activities for kids. Ideas include making patterns with popsicle sticks, doing a counting scavenger hunt, using chalk to make math equations on the sidewalk or driveway, creating grids with tape to make a graph, and making a shape with pipe cleaners.

6. How can I make math fun for my kids?

Making math fun for your kids is easy. You can do this by incorporating math crafts and activities into their learning. This will make learning math fun and interactive. You can also use games and apps to make math fun.

7. What math concepts can be taught with math crafts and activities?

Math crafts and activities can be used to teach a variety of math concepts. Ideas include counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, measurement, geometry, patterns, fractions, and more.

8. What are some math crafts and activities I can do with my preschooler?

There are many math crafts and activities you can do with your preschooler. Ideas include making a number line out of paper, creating

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